October preview – The month will start off with the New Moon Solar eclipse in the sign of Libra at 10 degrees. A South Node eclipse means we have something or someone to let go of so we can start a new relationship that is healthy for us. We will also have a Full Moon in Aries, and see Jupiter go retrograde in the sign of Gemini, while in a sextile to Chiron, which just so happens to be conjunct that Full Moon. Are you ready to take control of your life, finally? Let’s dig in to what is sure to be a very intriguing month of growth and change.
Special Offer – As usual you can check out my offers here. The eclipse readings can help you navigate the next 6 months!
October 1st - Always say Rabbit Rabbit as soon as you wake up for a month filled with good luck and abundance!
October 2nd – The New Moon Solar Eclipse will happen at 10 degrees of Libra, at 11:49 am MST. Eclipses are especially impactful when they happen conjunct one of your big 3, Sun, Moon or Rising sign, in Libra and at 10 degrees. But any natal planet at or near 10 degrees means you will likely feel the eclipse more. There are so many interesting connections happening during the eclipse. The Moon and Sun will both be conjunct to Mercury In Libra. Communication plays and important role in this eclipse, so might young people. Venus, ruler of the Eclipse, will be in a grand water trine with Saturn and Mars, from the sign of intense Scorpio. This could mean letting go of what isn’t working, can result in a commitment that will last a lifetime. We still have Jupiter and Chiron speaking in harmony as well. When we set new moon intentions during an eclipse we have to be willing to let something go, in order for the new beginning to come in. Learn more about this with the article and break down for every sign here.
October 4th – Venus and Saturn still part of a grand water trine with Mars, are now exactly trine each other. This is financial or love commitments. Saturn is the glue that holds all the feelings together in a way that is helpful. Meanwhile, Mercury in Libra is squaring with Mars in Cancer. This can put some stress on family relationships. You just need to clear the air. Looks like you have a few days to work on the issue.
October 5th – the grand water trine is beginning to collapse but Venus, and the Moon in Scorpio, and Mars, are moving forward together and trine one another. These are the lovers of the zodiac connecting on a personal level. None of these planets do well in the signs they are currently in, but they do like the energy where the other is. So some kind of exchange is happening where you can appreciate what someone else is going through. Saturn and the Sun are at odds with one another, so be sure you keep your ego in check.
October 8th – with Chiron, Jupiter and Mercury all speaking in harmony you may feel excited about a course you are teaching others on how to heal, or maybe you are about to attend a class that someone else is offering for you. If teaching is something you have been considering you may want to explore it further as Jupiter stations to go retrograde while still speaking in harmony with Chiron. Mercury is feeling pressured by Mars to take action, to make a big change. Don't let the frustration overwhelm you, but it might be a good time to speak up.
October 9th – Jupiter stations to go retrograde at 21 degrees of Gemini, while sextile to Chiron, and inconjunct to Venus, this makes a YOD a part of your Jupiter retrograde work. A YOD is 3 planets making contact, 2 are sextile, and those 2 are inconjunct a 3rd. Venus is the ‘finger’ that points the direction of the work you must do. Big work around facing your fears about relationships. Someone may be there to teach you how to heal. Perhaps someone from your past. This is long work too. Jupiter is retrograde until Feb 4th of 2025. 2012 was the last time you were working with Jupiter in the sign of Gemini. What was coming up for you then? Are you noticing any patterns repeating? The goal is to not repeat the one’s that didn’t work out the last time Jupiter was here. This is a 12-year cycle that comes to a close so a new a new 12-year cycle of growth can begin. Be sure to sign up to learn the lessons, not repeat them.
October 10th – another YOD forms today! This time between Jupiter, Venus and the Moon. For this brief assignment Jupiter is the way forward. Learning something important, seeing the other person’s perspective, respecting their feelings, even if you don’t understand them. The Moon is also part of a tsquare with Mars and Chiron. There is pressure to heal some kind of pain, maybe caused by your family. Venus being part of 2 YODS at the same time, suggest women and our values are top of mind and an important part of this work.
October 11th – Pluto stations to go direct for the final time in Capricorn!!! Your review period is over. It is time to fully step into your power now and finish your transformation work. Collectively the government, or leaders of governments, may be ready for some major changes. With the election in the U.S. just weeks away this is likely to get very interesting. Will a leader go through a major death and rebirth process? Will it be because something comes to the surface? What ever started last January with Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, it's time to rise from the ashes!
October 12th - Mercury squares off with Pluto at 29 degrees of Libra, indicating significant battles in relationships. Them's fighting words. There is a lesson here about how we use our power to speak up. A change is needed. Battles are possible among leaders as the Sun and Mars start to square one another. This is a good few days to also be careful while traveling.
October 13th – that pain gets a bit stronger with a tsquare between Mars in Cancer, the Sun in Libra, and Chiron in Aries. Mars is the exit point for the pressure. That means taking action against your family members that are trying to control your relationship. Jupiter is speaking in harmony with the Sun and Chiron, showing you how to take the higher road and heal this conflict.
October 14th – Uranus in Taurus is opposite to Venus in Scorpio. Love might surprise you. Venus is speaking in harmony with Neptune, making things really dreamy. Uranus may send shockwaves through the delusional energy to get you to see whatever this is more clearly. Uranus is retrograde, and in Taurus, the sign Venus rules. A lover from the past may surprise you.
October 17th – the Full Moon in Aries happens at 24 degrees of the sign, with the Moon very close to Chiron, which is still in a tsquare with Mars and the Sun. Chiron is also still sextile to Jupiter, now retrograde. It’s time to put some pain in the past. Time to heal and move on. This still feels like some type of family conflict with Mars in the sign of Cancer. Aries is a warrior energy, Mars its ruler. The Moon square to Mars from its home sign, is a battle that needs to come to an end. In fact, there is a lot of pressure for this battle to conclude. Venus and Pluto will be sextile at 29 degrees of their signs, bringing an undercurrent of energy you can’t quite define but can definitely feel. Woman may be behind resolving whatever battle this is. Venus, speaking of women will leave Scorpio, and head into the fun adventurous sign of Sagittarius. Much more detail on this in the full write up here.
October 19th – something strange is happening as the Moon is conjunct to Uranus while inconjunct to the Sun in Libra. Something about finances and the law may be up for discussion now. Mars in Cancer is starting a long sextile with Uranus, which could cause a lot of unexpected activity. This could again have something to do with women’s rights, especially the rights of Mother’s. Cancer is the sign of home and family, mother’s and care givers. They are feeling empowered to stand up to authority figures. And it's all happening as part of yet another YOD, personal mission you must undertake. The Sun in Libra is inconjunct to Uranus, the Moon in Taurus, and to Neptune in Pisces. It's the relationships that are important to you, and someone you care about who will help you succeed in a surprising and touching way.
October 21st – this is a very intense day with the Sun in Libra at 29 degrees and square to Pluto in Capricorn, also at 29 degrees. This is the end of a power couple of some kind. A difficult battle between two leaders, where something has to change, or someone does. Mercury in Scorpio is in a trine to Saturn, this gives someone in authority a lot to say about something in the past.
October 22nd – Venus in Sagittarius will speak in harmony with the Nodes of fate. This can be a woman of foreign decent that steps into her fated path, or a woman who is highly educated. At the same time, we see the Sun move into Scorpio, while it is still square to Pluto, ruler of Scorpio. This is you understanding how to use your power correctly. Welcome to Scorpio season. Mercury, the Moon and Saturn, meet briefly to create a Grand Water Trine. You know exactly what to do with those feelings and the information your intuition just handed to you is icing on the cake. Act fast, this doesn’t last long.
October 24th – things could really get interesting today as Mars and Uranus, still retrograde meet up to form a sextile. This is normally a pretty gentle energy but Uranus is a lightning bolt to Mars’ gas pedal. Things head off in a strange direction and very quickly, like a wild fire. Speaking of fire, there is a brief Grand Fire trine between the Moon in Leo, Venus in Sagittarius and the North Node in Aries. Fate may hand you something today amongst all the chaos that you will want to take advantage of.
October 25th – the longest sextile ever, or so it seems, between Jupiter and Chiron gets a little more love from the Moon in Leo. There is something to feel good about. Like really good. How has your journey of healing been going ever since Chiron and Jupiter first started their lessons last month? Are you healing or helping others heal now? The two first met at 21 degrees and now both move retrograde to 20, the number of balance and harmony. Could we finally have some peace?
October 26th – yet another YOD showing up in the sky, this time Mercury at 20 degrees of Scorpio is inconjunct to that Jupiter and Chiron energy of healing and teaching others to heal. Mercury has the information that is needed to heal this power struggle. You need to speak up about your pain in order to heal.
October 27th – Mars meets up with Neptune, both at 27 degrees. This is a big boost to your creativity. You may be feeling very motivated to use your artistic, spiritual, or creative gifts. Great time to revive an old gift. Saturn in Pisces is at 12 degrees, it is squaring to Venus. This planet also rules the arts, so perhaps a change in direction is needed in how you are using your gifts presently. Women in general may feel the need to stand up against authority figures.
October 30th – as the month is wrapping up we have some intensity building up. Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Power and Money are having a conflict. There will be words. The Moon in Libra makes it hard to decide which side to choose in this argument as it opposes Chiron, but is trine to Jupiter. There is a lot of emotions involved in this conflict. No surprise we are just days away from the election in the United States. The Sun in Scorpio is inconjunct the South Node. Something about a leader and their past may be exposed.
October 31st – Happy Halloween? There are sure to be a lot of tricks happening. Mars and Pluto are starting to face off. This could be a powerful woman facing off with an older man. I am writing this in January so could this mean political opponents are different than they looked at the beginning of the year? As a matter of fact, at the time of this final edit, yes yes it does. Mercury, Mars and Neptune are forming another grand water trine. There is an emotional gift if you know how to tap into how others are feeling right now. Can you calm the storm?
November preview – Election month is upon us. With it comes another Mercury retrograde on the 25th. But we will be in pre-shadow for much of the month. That means the election results might not be clear in the beginning. Saturn will end its retrograde on the 15th, attempting to bring some order. This is the voice of reason, and a much older person. The New Moon is in the sign of Scorpio on the 1st, and the Full Moon is in Taurus on the 15th, at the same time Saturn stations to go direct, in Pisces. Does this mean a woman will prevail? With the Moon also in Taurus and conjunct to Uranus, big surprises involving women are possible. Will a man in power, a Scorpio, be handing over the reins to a woman? Tune in to next month’s article to find out!
Love and a Guiding Light!