As May begins we are in the energy of the Solar Eclipse, which means we are 2 weeks away from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. This is sure to be an intense full moon. On May 30th we will have the New Moon at 9 degrees of Gemini. Pluto will have just turned retrograde, and Mercury is in shadow and will begin its retrograde on the 10th. This officially means we are in retrograde season.
May 1st – The Moon having just completed its Solar Eclipse with the Sun and Uranus in Taurus, gets even closer to the North Node now. What is fate moving out of the way so you can have a new beginning in all things ruled by the planet Venus? You feel emotionally stimulated whenever the Moon is in Taurus, it loves to indulge the senses here. But the opposition to the South Node means you must first learn the lessons from your past. Speaking of Venus, she is combing with Jupiter and sextile to Pluto now. This could bring an amazing gift of love into your life. Important day to start out with a little luck and proclaiming Rabbit Rabbit!
May 2nd – Venus quickly moves into the sign of Aries and love becomes much more passionate. With the sextile to Mercury in its home sign of Gemini an important proclamation of love could be forthcoming today. A good day to speak up where love is concerned. And the Moon will be joining the two to help you get in touch with your feelings so you know exactly what to say. Might be a good day for signing contracts as well.
May 3rd – The Sun and Mars combine at 13 degrees of Taurus and Pisces. Mars isn’t particularly happy in the watery emotional sign of Pisces. He prefers to act, not feel. But the two together say acting on your emotions might surprise you in some way as both are making contact with Uranus. The Moon seems to want to stay in contact with all the planets since the eclipse occurred. It is squaring off with Mars pushing it to pay attention to how it feels. Appears this will be an important day to stay connected and listen to what Spirit is trying to tell you.
May the 4th be with you – Never gets old does it? The Sun and Uranus are now exactly conjunct in Taurus, and exactly sextile Mars at 14 degrees of Pisces. Perhaps the force will present itself in an alien space craft today! Or this is perhaps the fallout of the eclipse. Sudden changes and surprises that can catch you off guard. Be careful today. While the energy is positive it is not stable. This means accidents are possible. So are tremendous explosions, like volcanoes and earthquakes. Even Tsunami’s are possible when you combine the power of the earth with the energy of Mars in water. On the personal level you can use your psychic abilities, set intentions, and manifest what you desire. However, word of caution, things may not turn out as expected. Be open and flexible with how what you desire shows up. Jupiter enters its shadow phase now for its upcoming retrograde. Pay close attention to the lessons showing up for you now.
May 5th – Happy Cinco de Mayo. Mercury and Venus are still in their sextile. Mercury in its shadow period should caution you to not take love too seriously just yet. All that is being said is about to go on rewind. Mars and the Sun are also marching forward together. Your inner warrior wants to help you conquer your goals. Both of these energies will be with you for several days. Jupiter will also hit the 29-degree point of Pisces. This is a critical degree, sometimes a crisis point. Jupiter makes things bigger so you see them, so you can grow. Emotional growth is required now.
May 10th – Mercury is stationed and now retrograde at 4 degrees of Gemini and it will travel back to 26 degrees of Taurus by June 2nd. It was first here on April 27th. What has been showing up for you since then? What do you now need to review before you make any final decisions? Mercury in Gemini is strong at home. It sees both sides of every issue. Themes under review involve the Sun conjunct the North Node and sextile to Mars. Meetings may be fated, and lead to a new-found joy. You may be feeling extremely motivated to act on your feelings in a way that changes your path of destiny or gets you on it. Venus and the Moon are inconjunct, so something about love or finances doesn’t feel right. Or maybe the love you thought you had is changing. Jupiter and Pluto are sextile and empowering you to find your connection to spirit, to the bigger picture. This retrograde may bring about some incredible opportunities as a result of all of these planetary connections.
May 11th – Jupiter dips into Aries, and shows us the areas in our lives where we are fighting for something we desire. If the fighting is unfair you will see and understand this now. If you have been feeling a bit flat, then you may suddenly have a surge of energy. Use it while it lasts, because Jupiter is also in its shadow period, and will go retrograde at 8 degrees of Aries in July. It will not go direct until November the 23rd at 28 degrees of Pisces. Your desire for growth and expansion turns inward during this time. Aries is our self, the ego, our drive, our desires, our motivation. It is leadership and independence. A good question to ask during this time is do I realize how powerful I really am? Am I using my power for good or in the right way?
May 13th – the Sun and the North Node are exactly conjunct at 22 degrees of Taurus, and still sextile Mars in Pisces. You could be inspired to pursue your goal for happiness wherever Taurus appears in your chart. The Sun is shining a light on your fate and destiny and on your past. What do you need to release in order to be happy and successful now? You will have a few days to act on this energy.
May 15th – the Full Moon Lunar eclipse occurs in the sign of Scorpio, while Saturn creates a Tsquare. This is tremendous pressure to release something that does not serve you. Scorpio is extremely sensitive energy. The emotions you will be feeling the days leading up to and after this event will be intense. This is purposeful. You need to transform them, your need to release your fears. The Sun will still be within a few degrees of the North Node while the Moon is just as close to the South. The Nodes at 22 degrees is the Master Builder number. Saturn is saying your current plan and structures are weak and need to be destroyed and rebuilt. Mars and Neptune will be almost conjunct and supporting the lunar eclipse from the sign of Pisces. Mars with Neptune helps you take off your rose-colored glasses and face reality. Your spirituality and creativity are infused with energy. If you are tuned into the darker side of Neptune, deception and delusion, you should be careful as you could be driven to extremes. But this is the light you seek should you choose to use it. Venus will also be exactly conjunct with Chiron at this time. Helping you to heal with love. We will delve deeper in the full writeup for this event.
May 19th – the Sun in Taurus is exactly trine to Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde. Some powerful figure from the past may show up now to help guide you as you prepare to conclude your Taurus goals. The Moon will also join with Pluto, so pay special attention to your gut instincts now.
May 20th – late in the day the Sun will finish its time in Taurus and enter into the sign of Gemini, where it will meet up with Mercury on its retrograde journey. How you think and communicate is under review, and now the Sun joins in shining a spotlight on your mind. Jupiter will join them in a sextile from Aries, firing the mind up even more. Expanding your knowledge somehow. If you don’t do well with the emphasis of energy on your mind, this will be a good time to practice yoga, hypnosis and if possible meditation. Get outside in the open air to relieve some of the pressure. This will be with you for a few days, so you have time to practice slowing down and just breathing.
May 22nd – Mercury dips back into Taurus and the financial plans you are working on get a second look. Mars is going to be giving some power to Mercury. Don’t let your mind or mouth run away from you. But if you need to stand up for yourself Pluto is also going to be supporting you at this time too. Big themes with 2 retrograde planets in a trine and fired up by Mars of resolving issues from the past. It may take several days to do so as these 3 will remain in close contact until the 25th.
May 24th – Boom! Mars enters into its home sign of Aries and for the next 6 weeks gives you a boost of energy in whatever house this represents for you. It will be off the charts for the next week as Mars meets up with Jupiter which will make this energy even bigger. So be warned. Plan accordingly. If you need energy to tackle a project plan it out now. But also know your limits, because Mars doesn’t have any. He will just keep going, keep attacking whatever you put in front of him. The Moon meets up with Chiron in Aries signaling an emotional day where you can tackle your old wounds and finally heal them.
May 26th – The Moon meets up with Venus in Aries and both are in a square to Pluto. A past love or a past argument with your love may come up for resolution. If you are not good at holding boundaries, this is a day where you will need to. A bad habit, a bad relationship, all could be broken. A past lover may try to wriggle their way back into your heart, don’t let them.
May 28th – Venus is finally home again as she enters into her domicile of Taurus. You may feel extra indulgent today. So, plan a spa day. Get a mani/pedi or massage. The Moon will be conjunct with the North Node at 22 degrees of Taurus, and show you something related to the recent full moon lunar eclipse. Jupiter and Mars are exactly conjunct in Aries. Emotions and passion will be running in the red zone. No, you shouldn’t eat the entire pint of ice cream, but you might really want to on a day like today.
May 29th – The Moon and Sun meet at 8 degrees of Gemini to create the New Moon. This new beginning involves how we think, what we want to learn, how we communicate and teach others. Mercury the ruler of this New Moon is retrograde and in Taurus at 26 degrees and stationing to go direct. So, this is the turning point in your Mercury retrograde lessons. It’s time for a final evaluation. Jupiter and Mars are a bit wide in their sextile, but both are powerful and their energy will empower this new beginning. This could be a time where we see big speeches occurring. And you feel the need to speak your mind. If you have been waiting to enroll in some classes, this is a sign it is time now to finish something you started a while ago. The final push you need to get a new idea off the ground. We will delve deeper into these topics during the full write up.
June Preview – Mercury will begin moving forward on the 3rd while Saturn turns retrograde on the 4th. Neptune who spends almost half the year retrograde will join Saturn on June 28th. The Full Moon will be in Sagittarius on the 14th and the New moon will be in Cancer on June 28th or 29th based on your location as it’s a late one. Much more to come in next month’s article. If you want help preparing for the upcoming changes be sure to book a reading with me here.
Love and Light!