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February Monthly Horoscope 2023

Updated: May 5, 2023

In the month of February things finally feel like they are truly moving forward. We are free of active retrograde planets. We have Mars still in shadow until mid-March, but at least it is finally not making us feel so sluggish. We will have a Full Moon in Leo on the 5th, followed by the New Moon in Pisces on the 20th. Links to those articles will be found below. No outer planets change signs until March, however we will see Pluto shift into the critical 29th degree of Capricorn. I suspect we may see some major power struggles as a result. It will be there until March 23rd when it shifts into Aquarius just as we have the Equinox. More on that next month and in the preview at the very end of this article.

February 1st – The Sun is in a sextile to Chiron in Aries, both are at 12 degrees. Some group you are a part of may help you on your healing journey. They both are also still being influenced by Mars, the planet of action that is finally moving forward. This is you taking an active role in your healing, and being successful this time.

February 2nd – speaking of healing, we have a beautiful grand water trine between Venus, the Moon and the South Node. This is a feel-good type of day, where fated events and people from the past can have you connecting on a very spiritual level. Especially as the North Node is also speaking in harmony with Venus and the Moon. The Moon is in its home sign of Cancer, making you feel strong on an emotional level. This is the kind of day where soulmates reunite.

February 4th – our feel-good energy perhaps caused us to over-indulge somehow. Now there are some choices to be made. Will you stay stuck or move on from whatever is causing this friction. Perhaps someone is not pleased that you are willing to pursue what is right for you. The Sun squares off with Uranus today causing all kinds of havoc. Might be a dicey day in the stock market, so don’t invest anything you can’t afford to lose.

February 5th – the lovers of the zodiac are having words today, and they are not pleasant. Venus in Pisces, is lost in her dreamy world. However, Mars in a square is causing you to take off those rose-colored glasses a bit abruptly. As this is also our Full Moon, this ending is going to be quite dramatic. Because the Moon opposes the Sun from the dramatic sign of Leo, passions will be running high. Both are now forming a t-square with Uranus, so breaking free is your best option here. This not the time to stay stuck in situations that do not bring you joy. We have a couple of gentle spots. The Moon is partnered up with Chiron, helping us use our emotions to heal. And Mercury and Neptune are speaking again in harmony. This is also an opportunity to use healing through creative projects, that are ready to move forward. More details and a breakdown by sign can be found here.

February 6th – Still an intense day as the Moon still in Leo stands across the sky from Saturn in Aquarius. This is a battle of Me vs We energy. Saturn in Aquarius wants there to be better structure in your friend groups. The Moon in Leo is feeling good all on its own. But you have to learn how to balance the two energies. How can you balance what is right for you with what is right for others? Jupiter is also having a bit of a strange dialogue with the South Node in Scorpio. Something about the past needs released so you can grow. Jupiter is giving you the strength in the sign of Aries, to heal those very sensitive hurt feelings. The contact between Mercury and Neptune is also exact while this is the last day of the shadow period for Mercury. It started here at the very end of December. Whatever you have been working on since then, it is ready to be concluded.

February 8th – Venus and Uranus speak in harmony, while Mars and Chiron do the same. Uranus can cause Venus to be a bit over the top and erratic. Venus rules, love, money, and our values. Uranus is the energy of being inventive and breaking free. Perhaps you will meet up with this nutty professor type and fall deeply madly in love? This is also the last of a very long chapter between Mars and Chiron. In mythology Chiron was the trainer of the Gods, Mars is a God. Is your Mars energy finally done with its training? Do you have command of your thoughts and speaking skills now? Whatever house you have Mars in your chart it should now be ready to be fully utilized. These two will keep supporting one another for about 10 days, then Mars will start making its way on its own. So can you.

February 10th – Mercury meets up with Pluto in Capricorn, giving you the power to speak your mind, especially with some kind of authority figure. If you are that figure, you command your audience well today. There could be some who use this energy to spark fear in others, but don’t be swayed by that. Listen to your heart, you will find the truth there. The Moon in Libra is charged up by Mars, and pushed by Chiron to make choices that are right for you. Uranus adds some pressure to leave relationships and partnerships that do not suit you.

February 11th – Mercury flies into Aquarius now moving full steam ahead. The Moon in Libra escalates its argument in relationships as it squares off with Pluto. Will you finally break free from those partnerships that are sucking the life out of you? Saturn is lending you the resolve you need to do just that. Perhaps a really good friend gives you the backing you need to break free once and for all.

February 14th – Happy Valentine’s Day. The Moon in Sagittarius does speak in harmony with Jupiter. There could be some over the top engagements or wedding’s going on today. A Moon in Sag can be over the top with its feelings. But those feelings are all over the place. The Moon opposes Mars, which wants you to actually think before you speak those feelings out loud, good or bad. The Moon also is making a weird connection with the North Node, so fate could just step in and really change the course of direction in your love life. The Moon in Sag definitely wants a lot of freedom and adventure. Where that ends up coming from could be a bit unexpected. Think Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride type of energy. Considering Pluto is just getting settled in at 29 degrees of Capricorn something notable is definitely happening today.

February 15th – Mercury forms a t-square with the Nodes of fate, suggesting some information is made public that could change the direction you were heading in. At the same time the Moon in Sag will square with Neptune and Venus who are conjunct in the sign of Pisces. Some truth is coming out that will cause you to question why you let yourself be fooled. Some type of illusion or delusion is going to be coming to an end. You will want to escape from all the tension, but the best you can do is have faith. All things happen for a reason. Jupiter is now back at the point where it began its retrograde. What have you learned about yourself that you are now ready to put into action? Last July you were given a quest of some kind. It asked you to explore your personal power. Did you? What are you ready to do with it?

February 16th – the Moon speaks in harmony with the Nodes and shows you what the reason is for all the chaos of late. In Capricorn our emotions are much more grounded, and sensible. You may not be able to trust what someone else is saying, but you can trust your gut. The Sun and Saturn are conjunct in the sign of Aquarius. You find success amongst your friends, or being a part of something bigger than yourself.

February 17th – Mercury speaks in harmony with Jupiter and could be giving you some big ideas. Perhaps there is more of a leadership role to take in that charitable organization you are a part of. With the Moon joined with Mercury it is a good day to connect your heart and mind. When both are on the same page, great strides forward can be taken.

February 19th – Venus and Pluto make a sextile to one another at the 29th degree of Pisces and Capricorn. There could be some sort of over the top event involving money. Financially you could have either huge gains or huge losses. How is your relationship to money? The same could hold true for any relationship you are in. Do you approach love from a place of fear or with open arms? Pluto and Venus together can get a bit obsessive. The Sun also changes signs and moves into Pisces where it will meet up with the Moon tomorrow. Get ready for an emotional month ahead.

February 20th – The Moon and Sun join together at 1 degree of Pisces. We have been having the last several New Moon’s all at this 1-degree point. This is the number that also represents new beginnings in numerology. It is also about the individual self, creating our own success. Pisces is a water sign, very emotional, sensitive and creative. This new beginning you are looking for may have to come as a result of ending something else. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, it is for completing things. If you have had a project that you are finally ready to complete, now is the time. No other planet is connected to this New Moon, but the Nodes of fate are within arm’s length and providing a positive influence. Saturn is within a few degrees so technically conjunct, but it is in another sign so doesn't have the same type of connection that would lend more energy to the New Moon. Again though, there is this message of moving away from what does not serve you, like fear, and taking a leap of faith to pursue what does. Much more on this event in my article that is posted here and covers each sign.

February 22nd – Mercury in Aquarius is squaring to Uranus in Taurus, while it is trine to Mars. Something really crazy could occur today, or you could just feel energized to be inventive. The Moon in Aries is conjunct with Venus which slipped into this sign after the New Moon. This could really light a fire within for you to pursue your personal goals.

February 24th – The Sun, our success, our ego, speaks in harmony with the Nodes of fate, bringing positive events involving love and money to our lives. We are called to learn our lessons from the past in order to move forward. The North Node is in the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus. Venus in Aries is very passionate about what she wants, which is always pleasure. Venus enjoys anything that feeds the senses. But she is making an odd angle back to the South Node as it speaks in harmony with the Sun. Something unexpected, maybe a love interest or job offer, could throw you for a loop.

February 27th – Saturn is now at the critical 29th degree of Aquarius, while Pluto is also at the 29th degree of Capricorn. Some call this crisis energy. It is definitely intense. Saturn is ruler of Capricorn, so it feels as if there is this last power grab going on with Pluto there. Whatever this event is for you it can last until March 8th, that is when Saturn will move into Pisces and create the structure we need to brings things to a close. We will be building new structures involving our spirituality, our creativity, our emotions and intuition. Saturn travels the zodiac and returns once every 29 years or so. That means it was last in this area of the Zodiac in 1994. Sometimes to build new structures the old one’s must be torn down first. Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa that year. NATO took its first ever combat action. Chechnya was at war with Russia. Some say their fight for Independence has a lot of similarity to Ukraine’s. While it initially ended if some sort of truce, later they were punished severely when Putin came to power. Now is a good time to reflect on what you were working on if alive of course, in 1994. Are you still building off those structures? Or is it time for some new ones to be built?

March Preview – the month of March starts out with a beautiful blessing when Venus and Jupiter meet up at 11 degrees of Aries. That is 11:11 energy being activated. It is time to wish for what you want to manifest. Speaking of 11.11, I will still have my Manifesting kit available at that awesome price. 40 pages of detailed information about each sign and how to manifest with the energy of the New Moon or Full Moon. Plus, it’s personalized! This is a big month with Saturn moving into Pisces, Pluto moving into Aquarius, and the Spring Equinox. You will want to use all of this momentum to moving something big in your life forward. We will have the Full Moon in Virgo, and the New Moon in Aries of course, marks the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. What will you be ready to give birth to in March?

Love and Light

Thank you,


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