The year will come to a close with a lot of activity. Neptune will station to go direct on the 5th. A new moon will happen in the sign of Sagittarius on the 12th, Mercury will have its final retrograde of the year beginning on December 13th. The Full Moon happens in the sign of Cancer, just after Christmas, on the 26th. At the same time, we will see Chiron station to go direct, making this a potentially healing Full Moon. To finish the year off we will have Jupiter station to go direct on December 30th. This will leave Uranus, and briefly Mercury as the only planets still retrograde.
Have you taken advantage of my 2024 full year reading special yet?? If you want a high level overview of the year ahead, where you get a worksheet to breakdown all the major transits and how they impact you, book here! In this two hour session we cover it all, including all the New and Full Moons, plus the Eclipses! You will be well prepared to tackle all your goals.
December 1st – Rabbit Rabbit, wishing you much luck as we finish out 2023!!
December 2nd – discussions may get a bit serious as Mercury and Saturn join together at 1 degree of Pisces and Capricorn. The number one suggests a new idea is the result of today’s discussion. With Mercury in the sign that Saturn rules there is advice to be given that should be followed to the letter of the law. Jupiter and Mars are also having a bit of an odd discussion. Mars is in Sagittarius the sign ruled by Jupiter, meaning there a lessons shared in unique ways that also need to be learned.
December 3rd – Venus ends her time in her home sign of Libra, which has likely activated your South Node in Libra lessons. The South Node first entered Libra in mid-July. You should be well on your way to learning how to balance your needs with the needs of others, ending any relationships where you are not valued. But if not, Venus helped you see the light. Now she will move onto a place that is not her favorite, Scorpio. Relationships can get very intense and possessive, when Venus visits this sign.
December 5th – Neptune stations to go direct at 24 degrees of Pisces. Outer planets are not as impactful in our outerworld, as something like a fast planet, Mercury for example. When the outer planets change direction, it is felt more internally. Decisions are made at a subconscious level because of a change within. They will then affect your day to day life. Neptune is dreamy energy; the fog is thinner when the planet is retrograde. Now things may get a bit foggy as the planet adjusts and begins moving forward again. Good day for daydreaming and creating, but not for making major life decisions. But if you need to, Saturn is speaking in harmony with Venus, both at 1 degree and both in water signs. Tune into your intuition to clear away any of the fog.
December 7th – Jupiter and Mercury meet up to give us some big business ideas. Capricorn and Taurus are very earthy and grounded energies, most often associated with money. You could get some good news regarding your finances today. More feel good energy comes from the Sun and Chiron combining to help you heal. Maybe you are a healer and you get a business opportunity that sets you up for success in big ways for next year. You just might have to walk away from a current business partner though.
December 9th – Jupiter and Venus oppose one another from the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. This is gentle pressure to show you something you are attached to in an unhealthy way. Now that you see this what will you do about it? Considering the two are meeting at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse points, it is bound to be something big. If you have been trying to ignore what was shown to you in October, now you can't.
December 11th – conversations get interesting with Mercury in Capricorn, and Venus in Scorpio speaking in harmony. Secrets may be brought to the surface now that are helpful to you in business. Conversations about money can flow more easily. This would be a great day to make a business pitch of some kind, as long as you trust who you are doing business with.
December 12th – are you coming to the last Sip n Stars event of the year? Sign up here to fully explore this New Moon in Sagittarius. The Sun and Moon will meet up at 20 degrees of the fire sign Sagittarius. This energy likes to keep moving, to go on adventures, and it loves to learn. This is a great time to set intentions for personal growth. It could also bring new opportunities overseas, like studying abroad. This will be speaking in harmony with the Nodes of fate as well as be inconjunct to Uranus, so surprises could be instore. Much more to come on this in the full article where I break this down by sign here.
December 13th – it’s the final Mercury retrograde of the year starting off at 8 degrees of Capricorn, and will actually end next year on New Year’s Day in the sign of Sagittarius. Many may use this energy to start planning for 2024, especially in business. Then as it dips back into Sag you may realize there is some further education you want to explore to grow your business next year. Remember it’s review time, not commitment time. Do your research. Then you will be well prepared for next year. Just like if you book a session with me here.
December 14th – success can feel fated when the Nodes and the Sun speak in harmony. This could be a time where you are rewarded for expanding your horizons. You could receive an award from someone overseas, or from a foreign country. Whatever happens over the next few days you are likely to feel really good and excited by the opportunity.
December 16th – if all those accolades went to your head there is a wakeup call given to you today. Rose colored glasses may get ripped off as the Sun squares to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune is reminding you that there is something more important than your ego goals. Spirit will guide you on what adjustments you need to make.
December 17th – some old wounds may come to the surface as Venus and Chiron meet up at an odd angle today. Venus isn’t at her best in Scorpio, so this can be a day where you are feeling overly sensitive. Take a close look at whatever this trigger is, and see if you can’t take your power back from it.
December 18th – remember earlier this month when Jupiter and Mercury met up and gave you some kind of big idea, or maybe a financial gift. Well there is more to the story and it will be uncovered for you now. Then when the two meet up one last time at the first of the year you will have the full picture. Put Jan 18th on your calendar as a day to see what you need to see.
December 20th – Pluto moving forward again hits that critical 29 degrees of Capricorn for the last time this year!! Then it will be fully into exploring Aquarius just after the Sun enters the sign on Jan 21st. For right now, you have a chance to take your power back once and for all in the house that Capricorn rules in your chart. This is the final transformation work. There will be a brief revisit next October, but this is the heaviest it’s going to get. With Uranus in Taurus opposing Venus, Taurus ruler, it’s no surprise there could be some power struggles happening on the world stage as well.
December 21st – very late in the day the Sun will move into the sign of Capricorn. Happy Birthday to all you Sun sign Capricorn’s out there. Try not to work too hard if this is your birthday! The Moon in Taurus is welcoming the Sun into a fellow earth sign, helping you feel grounded.
December 22nd – Mercury is retrograde and conjunct with the Sun, so we call this Cazimi! There is a reset of the mind each time the Sun and Mercury meet up, which is several times a year, due to all the retrogrades Mercury makes. The fast planet is never more than 4 signs away from the sun, so it likes to stay close to the powers that be. There could be some shocking events that happen in the financial markets. Or, you could have a big aha moment about your business. Just be prepared for things to get a bit intense and try not to overreact. Saturn is nearby and offers some stability. Plus, Mercury will quickly move on back into the sign of Sagittarius where it is ready to learn something because of the conversation it had with the Sun.
December 25th – Merry Christmas! We have a lot of harmonious energy for the holidays. Mars speaks in harmony with the Nodes. Helping you take the right action at this time. Venus is speaking in harmony with Neptune, making the holiday’s very dreamy. Just don’t drink too much, or eat too much!! These two tend to help us to over indulge. With a Moon in Gemini we are feeling very social. I am wishing you and yours a blessed holiday season whichever way you celebrate.
December 26th – Happy Boxing day in the UK. We have the Full Moon in Cancer that occurs at 4 degrees of the sign. 4 is the number of home and family, also the 4th house is Cancer, and ruled by the Moon. This puts the Sun of course at 4 degrees of Capricorn. Both speak in harmony with Jupiter as it slows way down to get ready to finish its retrograde in the sign of Taurus. That means there could be some big family healing going on at this time. Saturn also speaks in harmony with the Sun and Moon. There are lessons that were discussed earlier in the year, and now is the time to show you learned them. When you do, you will be rewarded. Much more on this and the break down for each sign in my article here!
December 27th – Mercury retrograde at 24 degrees of Sagittarius is exactly conjunct with Mars. Whatever happened during the full moon for you, there is a lot of passionate speeches going on. Just remember to not get too carried away and try to raise your voice above others to be heard. There is a square to Neptune that can suggest misdeeds are going to be exposed. At the very least you won’t be able to delude yourself any longer. This unsettling energy will last for a few days. Mercury will move on but Mars and Neptune will continue to have words. This could involve someone overseas; a battle of some kind is escalating.
December 30th – Jupiter stations to go direct at 5 degrees of Taurus. This degree has gotten quite a work out all year long. This is going to cap it all off. We had Mercury retrograde at this degree, we had the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at this degree, and now the end of Jupiter retrograde at that same 5 degrees of Taurus. Whatever has been worked on in your own life, this is the last piece of the puzzle. The last lesson. You are finally ready to put this all together and move forward. There is a grand fire trine happening at the same time between the North Node in Aries, Mercury in Sag, and the Moon in Leo. It is brief. But once you are shown what to do, you really don’t want to let it pass you by.
December 31st – so long 2023! What a year it has been! Mercury is slowing down to end its retrograde in order to help you move forward in fated big ways in 2024 as it speaks in harmony with the nodes. There are fated conversations to be had as we celebrate on New Year's Eve. Cheers!
2024 – Preview
This is an 8 year, one where we are focused on strength, leadership and success. 2023 was a lot of internal work, a 7 year, now we do things that are noticeable and make changes that affect our life in positive ways. Much more on this in the 2024 article here. Included will be a link to a free planner for you to personalize. Or schedule a session with me here so I can do it for you. Of course if you really want to experience a personal breakthrough check out my very limited in-person retreat here. Additional dates may be available, reach out for a free coaching call for more details.
Happy New Year!!
Love and a Guiding Light!