Why might you want to book a coaching session?
Each person’s reasons are unique, of course. Some clients just want extra help learning astrology. Other’s want to deep dive into their own astrology charts, or those of their partner’s or family members. Then there are those who want to achieve a specific outcome. All these types of scenarios take more than one session to achieve, and a coaching package with me is the most cost-effective way to do that.
What is a Life Coach?
A coach helps you achieve success by keeping you focused on your ideal outcome. A coach like me who has a background in astrology, hypnotherapy and neuro linguistic programming (nlp) has a unique set of skills. I can help you realize your full potential by showing you the energy you have to achieve your goals. Then with Hypnotherapy and NLP I can help create a vision within your subconscious mind that is going to help you succeed easier.
A coach does not give you all the answers, but instead helps guide you to finding them, and then helps hold you accountable. The key to success is to identify the behaviors you currently have in place that may be blocking you from achieving your desired outcome. Once those are eliminated, you can create new behaviors that will see you achieving the perfect outcome for you.
Not everyone needs hypnosis to change behaviors, so that is always optional with the coaching packages. Not everyone needs astrology either, however I strongly encourage an understanding of yourself from this perspective. Because of that I individualize the coaching package based on you, the client’s specific needs.
You are the perfect coaching client when you know your outcome, are ready to take real action, and are willing to change your behaviors. If this sounds like you check out the variety of packages I have on my website www.maraleeburnett.com
Thank you!