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September Monthly Horoscope 2024 - Back to school time means we have a lot to learn!

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

A Yellow School bus is shown beneath the leaves of the Fall trees
It's Back to School Time - What will you learn?

September Preview – Mercury will be post shadow for most of the month, as you start moving forward with the ideas you created during the retrograde last month.  On the first day of the month Uranus will be retrograde, until January 30th of 2025!  Also, on the 1st, Pluto is going back into Capricorn until November 19th.  Election cycle will be full of surprises and secrets surfacing from the past.  Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are all retrograde and speaking in harmony with one another.  These outer planets create change for us that is internal in nature, it is helpful change.  It also lasts for most of the month.  The New Moon will be in Virgo on the 2nd, and the Full Moon in Pisces, will actually be a Partial Lunar Eclipse.  This one will give us a preview of the work we need to do with the Nodes in Virgo/Pisces for 2025.  


Special Offer for the eclipse readings is available here.


September 1st – Rabbit Rabbit – a little bit of luck to bring us a great month ahead!  This first day will be intense with Uranus stationing to go retrograde and Pluto changing signs, while also retrograde.  Shifts in the planets create shifts for us as well.  Backwards energy can cause us to go within to manage the change.  Pluto in Capricorn takes us back to earlier this year, when Pluto came through this area in January, around the 20th.  What was coming up for you then?  What do you need to review?  This is the last time we have Pluto in the sign of Capricorn in our lifetimes, take advantage of the transformation help, the power being offered to you to transform.  This planet has been here since 2008.  How has your life changed since then?  What personal journey have you been on?  Now is the time to wrap it all up. 


September 2nd – The New Moon in Virgo will happen at 11 degrees of the sign, giving us an 11:11 gateway with both the Sun and Moon meeting up here.  Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, those with strong Virgo energy have great attention to detail, almost too great sometimes.  Mercury will be moving forward again from 23 degrees of Leo and speaking in harmony with Chiron, retrograde in Aries.  Some astrologers suggest that Chiron is the ruler of Virgo, since both have an affinity for natural methods of healing.  This is a good time to set intentions for good health, creating new healthy routines, and getting yourself organized.  Saturn in Pisces will be opposing this New Moon, so don’t expect to start anything without a solid plan.  Saturn makes you slow down, work harder, and then you can get started on something involving the house you have your Virgo energy in.  To learn more about this check out my New Moon article here with a break down for every Zodiac sign. 


September 3rd – Venus in Libra is conjunct to the South Node in Libra at 6 degrees.  This has everything to do with love, or love lessons from the past.  Old lovers may resurface.  You will have to decide if there is still some karma to settle between the two of you.  Both of course oppose the North Node in Aries, so you can’t just repeat the mistakes of the past.  If there is any hope for the relationship, you have to learn the lessons, set good boundaries, no more people pleasing.  Maybe it’s a work relationship, or some kind of financial contract you are revisiting.  Whatever the topic it’s time to learn the lesson so you can move on.  Mars is at the last degree of Gemini and making an odd angle over to Pluto, both of these planets deal with sexuality, so this old lover topic might really come out of the woodwork and surprise you. Is there really anything you still need talk about? Apparently so.  Mars is also still squaring to Neptune in Pisces, making sure we don’t try to make the same mistake again.


September 4th – Mars moves into the sign of Cancer, meaning for the next 6 weeks we may feel 'extra' in the emotions department.  But we can also feel very motivated to do adventurous things with our family, or do some work around the house.  Set your goals to work with Mars in this sign, based on the house of you have Cancer in your chart. This is a great time to learn how to get things done with the help of the planets.


September 6th – Mercury is going to square with Uranus in retrograde, which can cause some travel snafus, so plan accordingly, and give yourself a lot of extra time when traveling.  Mercury also makes an odd angle with Pluto and Neptune, which creates a YOD, I think this means the travel headaches are a test.  We actually have another YOD between the Moon in Libra, Neptune in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus. Trust your gut, no matter the challenges, which might be family related. Keep the faith and all will work out. When Mars hits the 17 degree area of Cancer it is actually going to be in Pre-Shadow for its retrograde that starts on December 6th. The actions you take, will need to be refined. Topics involving home, family, and caring for others will be especially important to pay attention to. The retrograde starts in the sign of Leo and makes its way back into Cancer. More on this later.


September 7th – The Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces, creating tension and a need for good boundaries.  This is also a lesson about control, versus learning to just go with the flow.  With good balance you know how to have just enough of both, so this ends up being a very successful day.  But Mercury, Neptune, and Uranus are still creating havoc, so maybe that is where the need for control is going to be really helpful. We still have Pluto, Uranus and Neptune working together to help us transform any upheaval into a success. Say a little prayer as this is my oldest daughter's wedding day!


September 8th – that YOD between Mercury, Neptune and Pluto, gains some intensity today as Mercury hits 29 degrees of Leo.  You need to use your voice and speak with authority in order to complete your mission.  Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are still in that harmonious triangle with each other.  That energy is what will help you manage the mini crisis that could involve the topics of leadership.  The Moon in Scorpio is meeting up with the Sun and Saturn, helping them resolve their conflict by paying attention to the feelings involved in this conflict.  Emotions are being brought to the surface to be resolved.


September 9th – Mercury moves into the sign of Virgo, a sign it rules, to finish off the last few days of its post shadow retrograde journey.  The Moon in Scorpio meets up with Uranus, in an opposition, to shake things up emotionally, while speaking in harmony with Pluto and Neptune.  This could be some very unexpected emotional closure.


September 12th – Jupiter in Gemini will square off with the Sun in Virgo, giving your control issues a run for their money.  It’s time to change how much you are obsessing over something in your head.  Mercury clear of its shadow now meets in harmony with Mars, so you know just what to do with all you learned over the past month. You also know what to say, loudly and with much passion.


September 13th – Mercury meets up with the North Node in an odd angle, which could have you coming up with some strange ideas on how you want to live your life going forward.  Perhaps on your own.  At the very least you want to start thinking for yourself.


September 14th – Jupiter in Gemini makes a trine to Venus in Libra, blessing your relationship.  Both of these planets are what we call benefic, together they make us feel good.  In Air signs conversations may be what make us feel good.  The Moon will also be in Aquarius and speaking in harmony with the Nodes of fate, bringing us together for a purpose.  Even the Sun and Chiron are speaking today in a way that can bring some unexpected healing.


September 15th – there is a beautiful Grand Water Trine as the Moon moves further into the sign of Aquarius and makes a trine to Jupiter and Venus, both at 20 degrees of their signs.  This happens while Mars is squaring to the Nodes, meaning there is something we are meant to do today that impacts our future in a big way.  Take advantage of whatever change is being offered to you now. Let your feelings for others be your guide.


September 16th – Venus opposes Chiron in Aries, giving us some lessons about healthy boundaries in our relationships.  In the sign of Libra, Venus is about marriage and commitments, they need to be fair and balanced.  Aries energy is all about pursuing the goals of the individual.  You will be learning how to balance both needs today.  How to make the necessary changes with the help of that Mars energy and the Nodes.


September 17th – we have a partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces at 25 degrees.  The Moon will be close to Neptune, retrograde and at 28 degrees of its home sign.  This is a very emotional ending of some kind.  Endings don’t all have to be bad, but this one will be fated.  Emotional closure, and release is the theme of Lunar Eclipses.  The North Node is still in Aries, so this makes it a partial eclipse. This is important as it is a preview of the work you need to do in 2025 as the nodes move into the signs of Pisces and Virgo in January of 2025.  Saturn is also still in Pisces but very wide of the Moon and Neptune, but there still may be a hint of influence, some needed control over all the emotions spilling over now.  The Sun at 25 degrees of Virgo is also putting out a need for control.  While Mercury at 14 degrees and happy in its home sign also faces off with Saturn.  There will be words about this ending.  Much more details on this in the full article here.


September 19th – the Sun in Virgo forms a trine with Uranus, retrograde in Taurus, while both are also trine to Pluto, retrograde in Capricorn.  This creates a Grand Earth trine that lasts a few days.  It is a blessed financial opportunity, but you have to do something with what is being offered you.  The Sun is still opposite Neptune, so make sure you are being realistic about what is showing up for you.  Neptune can be a little delusional.  These connections, last for a few days so you have time to work with what is showing up for you.


September 20th – while at 20 degrees of Virgo Mercury will square off with Jupiter at 20 degrees of Mercury’s home sign of Gemini.  This is a reciprocal type of energy.  So while it is a square, it's one where I don’t think the pressure is extremely difficult.  This is something you need to see or learn in order to move forward with a plan you have.  The Sun is still opposing Neptune so this might be why you need Jupiter butting in to clear up the fog.   Venus in Libra is also briefly forming a YOD with Neptune and Uranus.  There could be some strange relationship encounters now.  You might need help breaking free from what is really not healthy for you.


September 21st – the Sun is at the last degree of Virgo, 29, and making a trine over to Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde of course, and both are still connected to Uranus In Taurus, with the Moon. We have a brief Grand Earth Trine.  This may be someone from your past career that reaches out with a new offer for you work wise.  If working on a health issue this may be a day where you feel powerful enough to heal.  Trust your intuition to guide you on what you need to release in order to take advantage of this important offer. And be ready to break free from something no longer meant for you.


September 22nd – As the Sun moves into the sign of Libra, the Equinox begins. Equinox brings equal parts day and night. In the Northern hemisphere we have the beginning of Fall. It's a time for letting go of what no longer serves you, so you can start something new. Libra is a Cardinal sign, meant to take action on new things. For instance, if a relationship needs to change this might be the day where it comes to an end.  Venus at the last degrees of Libra is squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn.  Something from the past may be surfacing, a secret affair maybe, that will make you finally walk away.  29 is a critical, crisis type of degree.  Be prepared for this break to be a difficult one.  The Sun in Libra is going to shine a light on the right partner for you.


September 23rd – Venus drops into very sensitive and intense Scorpio, and love can get a big dose of emotion.  Venus isn’t feeling comfortable in the sign ruled by Pluto, especially after their big fight.  But this is where love and money topics go to be reborn, so you have 3 weeks to transform.


September 24th – Uranus and Mercury meet up to speak in harmony.  This can bring up ideas from the past that you want to breathe some new life into.  This could also just be some big aha ideas.  Mercury will also be opposing Neptune in Pisces, giving you a whole lot of brain fog.  So that Uranus energy, that lightning bolt can help clear that all up.


September 25th – Mercury now hits that 29-degree point where the Sun and Pluto just had their big discussion.  This can create big ideas. Transform an idea you had in the past and give it new life again.  There will be a lot of intensity around bringing whatever this is for you back to life.  Pluto can stir up some fear around whatever this topic is, but step into it and do whatever this is anyway.  You will be glad you did. Uranus is still lending its creativity to both planets creating yet another Grand Earth Trine. Big money ideas are possible, you just have to take advantage of them.


September 26th – Mercury moves into the sign of Libra and our conversations get to be focused on what is fair for all involved.  Balance can be restored in your relationships because of your commitment to talking things out.  There may be a lot of legal details that come up over the next 3 weeks as well.


September 27th – speaking of relationships Venus in Scorpio makes an odd connection back to the North Node in Aries, at 6 degrees.  At the same time the Sun is conjunct to the South Node in Libra.   A relationship from the past may be coming back up now in order to teach you something about trust.  We have a few days to work on this.  There might be some baggage from the past you need to let go of.


September 28th – Jupiter and Chiron speak in harmony about something that can have a healing outcome.  There could be conversations that happen now that help you see the other person’s perspective.  You could also come across information that can help you on your healing journey.


September 29th – whatever those goals were with Mars in the sign of Cancer, now you get Saturn coming along to offer some help.  If Mars is the gas, Saturn is the brakes, helping to slow your activity down just enough to accomplish your goals without getting exhausted.  If things have been a bit volatile at home or in your homeland, Saturn’s restraint can be just what you were hoping for. The money and love energy is intense and weird with Venus and that North Node quincunx fully activated. Move forward cautiously.


September 30th - The month ends with Mercury Cazimi, in the sign of Libra at 7 degrees conjunct the Sun, and the South Node.  There are likely to be some big changes in relationships.  Big aha moments about legal issues are possible too.  The Sun and Mercury meet often, each time Mercury gets cleansed by the Sun, before it moves on.  There is some kind of rebirth involving relationships.  Conversations in relationships can have a fresh start going forward. But the connection to the South Node has us reliving something from the past. Something karmic that needs to be resolved. Mars in Cancer is having a positive conversation with Saturn in Pisces. Is there finally some peace to be had? The Moon in Virgo joins in to the discussion as well, helping control our emotions so we can think clearly. Healing is top of mind.


October preview – speaking of relationships and big changes, the month will start off with the New Moon Solar eclipse in the sign of Libra at 10 degrees.  A South Node eclipse means we have something, or someone to let go of, so we can start a new relationship that is healthy for us.  Eclipses are especially impactful when they happen conjunct one of your big 3, Sun, Moon or Rising sign. If one of those happens to be in Libra and at 10 degrees, it's an especially powerful eclipse for you.  But any natal planet at or near 10 degrees means you will likely feel the eclipse more.  There are so many interesting connections happening during the eclipse.  The Moon and Sun will both be close to Mercury.  Venus, ruler of the Eclipse will be in a grand water trine with Saturn and Mars.  This could mean that letting go of what isn’t working can result in a commitment that will last a lifetime.  We still have Jupiter and Chiron speaking in harmony as well.  We will also have a Full Moon in Aries, conjunct to Chiron, and see Jupiter go retrograde in the sign of Gemini.  Way more to come on all of this next month!

Sending you Love, and a Guiding Light!

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