Happy Pi day to all you math nerds out there or Pie nerds. We are almost out of Pisces season and boy are things getting brought up and exposed with the Mercury retrograde. At the end of the transit you will see clearly why things needed to be brought to the light. Something has gotta change, and now is the time. So come see me on Saturday in SouthTacoma, we can look at your chart and see where you are heading with the upcoming Spring Equinox.

Our general energy card is the 9 of Fire/Wands. The nine says we are almost done with this major effort we have been making. Wands say it is something we are really passionate about. This is a major work project, a cause we stand behind, a self renovation project. The message is to keep going. You are at a pivotal point, and sure it would be easy to just drop everything and quit, however it will be much more rewarding if you just stay the course. Stay in control of your reactions today. Push yourself to react in different ways. This is a day to not give into ego reactions. You got this.
The love energy is You are Limitless....hmmm isn't that a song by some singer who has a hot fiance now and huge rock on her finger??? See what can happen when you believe in yourself. This is all about self-love today. When you break down your own walls and free yourself from what has been keeping you trapped, you are actually limitless. There is a little bit of magic in the air where love is involved today. Can you feel it?
The action/advice card is from our Goddess Gula. This Babylonian Goddess brings you the gift of healing. You can call on her energy to help you heal an argument with a loved one. Heal your view of yourself so you can be limitless. Be a healer to others. This is a day to dig in do the work and kick self-doubt's a**!! Take no prisoners today, slay those dragons, storm the castle. Hmmm guess I need to check on my Mars energy today! If you need to get something done, today is the day.
The numerological energy is a 4, surrounded by nine energy. When we break down those walls we can build a new foundation for ourselves that is stronger. The 4th house of the zodiac is home and family, our mothers. You can use this to heal anything in those areas as well.
Astrological energy will continue to expose errors involving paperwork so you can fix them. That is the Sun conjunct with Mercury and in a square to Jupiter. Because Jupiter is involved it can happen in a big way. Jupiter wants what's best for all involved. So anything of a Mercurial nature for the next several days is getting highlighted. Our thoughts, our travel, our paperwork, our neighbors, our siblings, and our communications. 2 things will save you from being overcome by this, Saturn and Mars. Your reaction to the mistake needs to be controlled and you need to take steps to correct it that are for the higher good. So watch and see how this College scandal plays out. See how many scholarship funds, for example, get setup now as a result. The outcome of any error right now will be to create a better way go forward. Step 1, admit your mistake, step 2, ask for forgiveness, step 3 show how truly sorry you are. Words will not be enough. And the same applies to yourself. If this is an internal battle of the mind, the same steps apply. Be kind and forgiving to yourself, then move on.
Love and Light!!