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New Moon Solar Eclipse December 25, 2019

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Merry Christmas!

We are really in for a huge gift with this Solar Eclipse at 9:13 pm Pacific time. Those on the East coast and beyond will have this occurring at 12:13 am. Normally an eclipse would remove something from your life. But this one is different. It is a partial eclipse, and if you were in viewing site of it, you would see the Moon in front of the Sun, but smaller than the Sun, so there is a ring around the Moon. Or in the words of Johnny Cash, a ring of fire! You will need to be in South America to view it however. And you will see this on the 26th as well.

As you can see in the chart to the left there is very little 'red' which means no major squares of oppositions. There is a lot of 'blue' and that represents supporting energy during the time of the eclipse. Even bigger news is the fact that the eclipse is in a very tight conjunction with Jupiter, which is the planet of blessings. Add to that the Sun, Moon and Jupiter are all in a trine over to Uranus and you are in for some very pleasant surprises. Since Uranus is still retrograde, and this is also closely aligned to the South Node, I feel this is going to let you heal something from your past, make amends, move forward, finally.

Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house. That means you could 'learn' something big with this eclipse. Have a blessing bestowed upon you. Plan travel to a foreign country. This is your connection to source, understanding the bigger picture. And anything you start, since this is a new moon, will come with major support for success. This is definitely a month for writing down your New Moon wishes!

The Sun and Moon joining together in Capricorn means both your soul mission and ego mission are on the same page. During a Full Moon these are at odds with one another and we have to learn to find balance between the two to bring something to fruition. But during a New Moon, both are in alignment and this is why it is so much easier to manifest our desires. Capricorn is the 10th house in the zodiac, also known as the Midheaven, the career, fame and recognition house. This is what you came here to achieve in this lifetime in the eyes of others, what you will be known and remembered for. Capricorn in general represents hard work, discipline, financial success as a result of that hard work. Its ruler is Saturn, the great restrictor, unless you are following his plan. Once you do however, the rewards are very tangible. Hence the need for goal setting with your New Moon wishes.

We see a new Moon about every 28 1/2 days, but since this is an eclipse you can expect these results to last for a good 6 months. It is then of the highest importance that you give yourself time to focus on what you really want to achieve during that time frame. The themes you want to focus on will be success, discipline, authority figures, time management, releasing control issues, recognition, goal setting. I always love the image that represents Capricorn, of the Goat who is vertical on a mountainside finding that last blade of grass. Determination is not lacking if you know any Capricorn Sun or Rising person. Even Moon signs are very determined, and come off as very serious emotionally.

The trine to Uranus from all of these players brings a jolt of electricity. This current is what binds us all together. Uranus rules the 11th house of networking and gains from a benefactor. Everyone is working together here to help you achieve a long term goal. So the key is to open yourself up to others, when you do the energy is so expansive you may be swept into an entirely new life as if out of nowhere. This is your fairy godmother showing up to grant those wishes you are finally in alignment for. So watch what you wish for!! Focus on what you want, not what you don't. Jupiter loves to expand on things to show us just how ridiculous we are being as a way of 'teaching' us. In some cases that blessing can come across as a hard life lesson, don't be one of those people. The 11th house also rules social causes. Hmmm I wonder why Time chose their person of the year to be an Activist? Well I don't really, I know. Eclipse energy is definitely already in affect, especially for one as powerful as this is. Anything that starts unfolding for you as if by magic, such as serendipitous meetings, is a result of this Eclipse energy.

Even Mars is in a nice Sextile over to Saturn and Pluto, which will have you highly motivated to accomplish your goals. Venus in the sign of Aquarius, which Uranus rules over, is the only very loose square. You have been made aware of something recently where love and your values are concerned, and you know a change is needed. If you are not being honorable in love, it is time for a change, including loving yourself. This self destructive behavior where love is concerned needs to stop. You do deserve to be loved and it is time you started acting like it.

We have been talking for what seems like forever now about the Saturn and Pluto conjunction. They are now only 2 degrees apart, so already conjunct. As they continue to move to an exact conjunction this energy will increase until it reaches it's culmination in mid-January. This is most about outer influences, as these are outer planets. Think conservative governments exerting power, seeing success, and I will just leave it at that. But keep in mind next these outer planets head into Aquarius, and we will be singing and holding hands, because the power will shift to the people. We like to escalate things on this planet to a level where we can no longer deny the truth, before we finally act. And act we will, mark my words.

So what area of your chart might you see your blessings in:

Capricorn this is your time to shine! You have been put through the wringer with all this focus in your first house with the Saturn and Pluto conjunction. But those who have been doing the work are finally going to get the recognition they so deserve. This represents a personal reward, achieving a personal goal. Yay you!

Aquarius this will be in your 12th house, the place where things that are hidden are brought to light so you can deal with them. These are definitely aha moments and clearing out stuck emotions that have needed clearing for a long time. This will feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from you.

Pisces in your 11th house of networking and benefactors you might have a person in your life that grants you a wish! Network groups might present you with some sort of award. You may be invited to a prestigious group even. And definitely go out and buy a lotto ticket! Within your means of course!!

Aries the 10th house of career and fame means that job you have been pursuing that you thought was long lost may suddenly appear for you again. You will also be up for recognition in the work place and potentially see a promotion. It is definitely time for some long over due recognition!

Taurus the 9th house of higher learning, foreign travel, higher education, source connection blesses you with the ability to see something bigger. This is also the house that Jupiter rules, so whatever is shown to you at this time, whatever people come into your life it is important you follow their guidance. You are seeking answers and they are about to be presented to you in a way you can no longer ignore.

Gemini in your 8th house of transformation, death, sex, intimacy, resources from others, you will benefit through others. Your partners could see a raise, your blocks to intimacy in a personal relationship may be erased, you may finally complete this transformative work. Something may die that no longer serves you. This is a new beginning for you in how you relate to others. Any new intimate partnership started at this time will be very rewarding.

Cancer this is in your 7th house of serious relationships and partnerships. Someone in your life is going to bless you with a very rewarding future. This can be love or work partnerships, maybe even both! These are big blessings so focus your wishes in both areas. Finally light at the end of the tunnel for you. Pluto and Saturn have been putting your relationships to the test big time!

Leo your 6th house of health and daily routines will see a blessing. This means you could potentially see something new happening at work. Kick off a new type of health regimen. Potentially start your own healing practice. If you are tired of the rut you have been stuck in this is a very welcome surprise.

Virgo your 5th house of fun, romance and creativity is going to see a huge boost!! This is bringing a huge amount of joy into your life. Romances started now will be positive, uplifting and blessed. Your hobbies may see a new influx of creative inspiration. And those conflicts with your children will soon dissipate. A huge creative block will be lifted for you.

Libra the 4th house represents home and family. You could suddenly decide to move, or move in with someone. This is a new beginning in your home life. You might be inspired to redecorate even. This is also something related to your roots, your foundation in life. You could uncover something about your family in a surprising way, that benefits you. Oooh maybe you are the heir to a long lost rich relative.

Scorpio with your 3rd house of communication getting lit up you are removing any blocks that are holding you back. This is something new appearing in the community that you are a part of, like a new neighbor moving in that benefits you in some way. Receiving a surprise email, or mail that has some sort of reward in it fo you. Maybe a refund of some sort that you were not expecting, or a bill that gets wiped out. This is definitely some sort of positive news you will receive out of nowhere.

Sagittarius in your 2nd house of the income you make you will potentially receive a financial reward. The 2nd house rules the money you make, so some increase in the income you currently receive or a new source of income all together. Some kind of interaction that helps you to improve your self-worth as well.

It is always best to read the sign before and after you if you don't know your chart and exactly what house this will be happening for you. I recommend going on a site like to create a free natal chart to know for sure. You just need your date of birth, time and location. Exact time is needed to determine your rising sign, best to look at your birth certificate if at all possible.

I still have my 2020 special rate of 20% off my yearly forecast. Use the book now button to find a session that works for you.

I am wishing you all the best during this holiday season and I am ever thankful for your support!

Love and Light!

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