Many consider this New Moon the true beginning of the New Year. The Spring Equinox occurs as the Sun enters into the sign of Aries. This year that is immediately followed by the New Moon in Aries, where the Sun and Moon meet at 0 degrees and 49 minutes of the sign, on March 21st, 2023. That is a whole lot of energy around new beginnings occurring at the same time! If you have been waiting for your big moment to take action, this is it. There will be no planets in retrograde, nothing holding you back. Do not let this opportunity pass you by. Speaking of opportunities come join my free webinar this weekend on Saturday the 18th at 10 am PT. You can learn all about how to read your chart including transit charts. You need to sign up to get the Zoom link. Be sure to invite a friend too. Register HERE.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, it is synonymous with the self. You must first identify yourself, your goals, and your ambitions, then you go about learning the lessons and gaining the skills to achieve them. Much like the Fool card in Tarot, this is where it all begins. As the Sun, which represents the self, joins with the Moon, which represents the emotional self, you are ready to completely redefine yourself inside and out. Mars is the ruling planet of the sign of Aries. This is where we get our drive and determination, our desire to win and conquer. This is our anger, our passion, and our need to win at all costs. This is the planet that is pushing us to make this new beginning. You can read more about this sign and use the hypnosis session I have created here, to get yourself ready to be motivated for this incredible new moon.
This entire week is a powerful one leading up to this New Moon. Pluto has been sitting at 29 degrees of Capricorn, a critical and very intense degree. Right after this burst of new energy, it will change signs, and move into Aquarius. This is a big deal. This planet only changes signs about once every 20 years. You can think back to 2003 to get an idea of how that Pluto shift in energy affected you. This puts the planet in a sextile to the Sun and Moon in Aries, which means these new beginnings are powerful ones. They are life changing. We are entering a point in time that you will remember for years to come.
Mars is the ruler of the New Moon and it is out of shadow, sitting at 28 degrees of Gemini, it is square this New Moon and inconjunct to Pluto. This suggests that this new beginning you are seeking is moving you away from something that you have known for some time now. How this happens might surprise you, it could be some type of offer that comes out of left field. But you are never going to move ahead if you just keep doing the same things, the same way you always have. It is time for a dramatic change. Mars has been finishing up its square to Neptune, that was part of a long story during the retrograde that started in October of 2022. That change you needed to make, ending your delusional grip on reality, that time is now.
Saturn has just entered the sign of Pisces and will be speaking in harmony with Mars, while also speaking in harmony with the Nodes. Mars hasn’t quite entered into the sign of Cancer yet, but by degrees it is beginning to form a grand water trine with the South Node and Saturn. Something about this New Moon activity is going to bring a fated, very emotionally fulfilling change into your life. But only if you are willing to let go of the past. The grand trine will continue to gain in strength as the light returns to the Moon, and Mars moves into the sign of Cancer. That is going to be the time when you need to take action. It will be action that is slow and methodical with the influence of Saturn. This is not about being reckless, it is about creating a well thought out action plan for your future, and then slowly executing against that.
Speaking of plans, Mercury sits at 5 degrees of Aries, it is far enough away from the Sun for you to think clearly about what you want to achieve now. You are thinking for yourself, speaking your mind with a lot of confidence. This is the exact energy you need to tap into to create your New Moon wishes, the more passion you put into them the better. This is also an ideal time for creating those vision boards. Remember the mind believes what it sees. Then it works to help you create that vision. The more detail you put into this the better. Then you need to vanquish any self-doubt that may block your vision from becoming a reality.
The Sun and Moon are inconjunct to the South Node in Scorpio. There is a lesson from the past you need to learn, in order to move forward now. Venus in Taurus is conjunct the North Node and opposing the South. There is the hand of fate involved, but maybe not directly. Venus is strong at home in the sign of Taurus. Love, money, material things, sensual experiences, and the people you meet right now are all apart of fates plans for you. With the marriage asteroid Juno, also conjunct to Venus and the North Node, this new beginning will be something you stay committed to for a long time.
You can see what the other planets are doing this week by reading my March Monthly Horoscope here. Now let’s take a look at where you will experience this powerful new beginning in your chart based on your Sun, Moon or Rising sign. The Rising sign is typically what you will notice the most in your day to day life.
Aries – this is all about you of course. You have a chance to really reinvent yourself at this time. The way you present yourself to others may go through an incredible transformation. Your physical appearance could change drastically. Pluto is supporting this change for you from the house that rules over the groups you belong to and your friends. Someone is likely to play an important role in helping you set your goals for yourself at this time.
Taurus – in the 12th house you are breaking through barriers and glass ceilings. This is the area that rules over the subconscious mind. It is large institutions and things that are hidden from view. This is a great time to break free from ways of thinking about the past that are keeping you stuck. Pluto energy is helping you from the 10th house of career, fame and notoriety. Someone in a position of power at work could play a major role in helping you achieve a major breakthrough in your career. That glass ceiling you have been living under, will be no more.
Gemini – the 11th house could bring you new friends, or new groups to become a part of. It is great to find like-minded people to spend your time with. Pluto in your 9th house could bring a powerful mentor or teacher into your life at this time. They are going to be a big help in you achieving your goals this year. They could be from a foreign country, or their knowledge about foreign countries will be helpful to you.
Cancer – the 10th house for a new beginning suggests a new career opportunity is about to take you to the next level. This is a position of authority and leadership that you have been longing for. Pluto in that 8th house of yours is going to bring you resources, skills and people to help elevate you to the next level. You will have to face your fears, but when you do, this is going to be epic.
Leo – the 9th house opens the doors for a big adventure, perhaps moving to study overseas. This is a year filled with major growth opportunities for you. With Pluto helping you from your 7th house of serious relationships you are likely to start a new relationship. This could be a marriage, or a very powerful business partner that helps elevate your potential to the next level.
Virgo – in your 8th house your new beginning will completely transform you. This is the house of death and transformation. It is also the resources you receive from others, and the house that rules your intimate partnerships. A new relationship started at this time will have an incredible pull over you. Which you won’t like, as it puts you completely outside your comfort zone. But that is the point, it is time to break down those walls and live a little on the edge. Pluto is supporting you from your 6th house of daily activities, including health, and the work you do. It is time to make a big change, no more doing the same thing day after day.
Libra – in the 7th house you are ready to start a serious new relationship, as in marriage. This one will shake up your entire world. With Pluto supporting this from your 5th house of romance, this could be one for the big screen. Just be careful you don’t burn yourself down to the ground by being too obsessive and possessive of this new love. A slow burn is better. Your relationships are going to transform you one way or another.
Scorpio – in the 6th house you are ready for new beginnings related to things that are a part of your day to day life. You have had the South Node in your sign for almost 18 months, it’s work is almost done. With this new beginning are you finally ready to let go of something in your life that is not working? Pluto in your 4th house of home and family suggests there will be major shakeups at home as a result of this new beginning. Maybe you will take a new job and have to move as a result. Everything is going to change, and that is a good thing.
Sagittarius – you may not have planned for this, but a new child may be on the horizon for you. A new beginning that fills your heart with love, if you are not thinking of having children. This could also be a new romantic partner. Pluto brings this new beginning from your 3rd house. Perhaps a sibling or cousin introduces you to this person. Or they could be a powerful community leader that you cross paths with, and are unexpectedly swept off your feet.
Capricorn – you are claiming your independence from your family at the time of this New Moon. With Pluto in your 2nd house of the money you make you could be taking a new job that causes you to move away from family. The opportunity is just too good to pass up. Pluto in your sign the past 20 years has been preparing you to face your fears and step into your power. This is it, this is your big moment. Do not say no to this.
Aquarius – in the 3rd house you are making a new start in your community. You could be taking a leadership role, going to school, or becoming a teacher of some kind. You are about to go through a major transformation as Pluto enters into your sign, where it will remain for the next 20 years. This new opportunity for you to shine is setting the stage for you. This is not the time to stay hidden behind the scenes. It is time to step fully into your power. The way you speak is being transformed. Nerves will be a thing of the past as you learn to trust yourself and the knowledge you already have.
Pisces – in the 2nd house you have a new beginning that involves the money you make. It is time for you to stop hiding from your leadership skills. It is time for you to start giving the orders instead of just taking them. Pluto in your 12th house is going to push you to face those fears, to vanquish those thoughts that keep you from the level of success you deserve. Your financial potential is incredible right now. Allow yourself to have this.
If you need help creating your vision boards or setting the most important New Moon intentions ever, book a reading with me now. If you are tired of feeling stuck now is the time to take advantage of energy that is going to help you move forward in big ways.
I look forward to hearing the big things that are going to show up for you.
Thank you for sharing this with someone you think could benefit.
Love and Light,