The upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius, on August 19, 2024 at 11:25 am MST, brings a surge of innovative energy, amplified by a complex astrological configuration known as a T-square. This Full Moon, positioned at 27 degrees Aquarius, forms a T-square with the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo, and Uranus in Taurus. Adding to the celestial drama, another T-square occurs simultaneously, involving Venus in Virgo, Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces, all meeting between 17-19 degrees of their respective signs. This may very well be the most volatile, pressure filled, emotionally charged, full moon of the entire year! But before you run away and hide out, let's look at the things you can focus on to help embrace the change that is coming.
General Advice for Navigating the Full Moon in Aquarius
1.   Embrace Change: Aquarius energy encourages innovation and forward-thinking. Be open to new ideas and perspectives.
2.   Balance Independence and Community: While Aquarius values individuality, it also focuses on collective well-being. Find a balance between your personal needs and your role within the community.
3.   Reflect on Progress: Full Moons are times of culmination. Reflect on the progress you've made since the New Moon in Aquarius six months earlier.
4.   Practice Detachment: Aquarius is an air sign associated with detachment and objectivity. Use this time to gain perspective on emotional issues without getting too entangled in them.
To gain even more insight on the sign of Aquarius check out the article and free hypnosis session here.
Understanding the T-Squares
A T-square is a challenging aspect that involves three planets in which two planets oppose each other and both form a square to a third planet. This creates tension and dynamic energy, pushing us towards growth and resolution.
1.   Full Moon T-Square:
o  Moon in Aquarius: Emphasizes emotional independence, innovation, and humanitarian ideals.Â
o  Sun and Mercury in Leo: Highlights self-expression, creativity, and communication. With the latest Mercury Cazimi, recently concluded, we may be having some big aha moments at the time of this full moon.
o  Uranus in Taurus: Brings unexpected changes, financial disruptions, and a need for freedom. This is the current ruling planet of this Full Moon. Whatever is happening to the Full Moon's ruler, is a major influence on how things will conclude for you. With this being Uranus, the best you can do is expect things to not turn out as expected. You will need to practice that detachment mentioned above, in a BIG WAY!
All that to say, that in order to conclude your goals associated with the Full Moon in Aquarius, you will feel a tremendous amount of pressure. This can be a stressful time on your mind, with the activation of Uranus, and the recent Sun and Mercury Cazimi energy still at play. This is the time however to make incredible breakthroughs, to clear the cobwebs, and most importantly to find your tribe, and realize where you fit in.
2.   Additional T-Square:
o  Venus in Virgo: Focuses on practical love, health, and service.
o  Jupiter and Mars in Gemini: Expands and energizes communication, learning, and adaptability.
o  Saturn Retrograde in Pisces: Reflects on spiritual lessons, boundaries, and restructuring old patterns. This is the traditional ruler of the sign of Aquarius. With both rulers under pressure at the time of the Full Moon it will be difficult to conclude what's needed at this time, without putting in the hard work.
This added pressure at the time of the Full Moon, makes for an emotional crossroads. You may have challenges deciding the path to take at this time.  The exit point to this pressure lies with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. A sign that rules duality, two sides, the twins. Jupiter will suggest that you take the path that is for your highest good, and offers the way forward that is filled with truth and justice. Mars motivates you to fight for what is right.
3.   Chiron Influence: Chiron in the sign of Aries is retrograde and making a favorable connection to the Sun, Mercury, and Moon. There is something from the past that can be healed at the time of this full moon. There is work involved of course to heal. This can bring a dramatic end to something that has been causing the collective a lot of pain and suffering as well.
4. Mercury Retrograde: Because of the retrograde do not try to start something new because of what is coming to fullness. If you have to start something new business wise, do it as a Pilot project only. There will be a lot of rework necessary. What ever you try to start will not go as expected. There will be things you have to review, and then relaunch in September, most likely, after the New Moon in Virgo.
Zodiac Sign and House Breakdown: Let’s delve into the influence of these aspects on each zodiac sign, considering their rising sign and house placements. The below is based on whole sign houses, so this may not align with your personal chart. To know for sure, you will want to book a session with me here. I offer discount pricing for the New Moon and Full Moon reading sessions.
Aries Rising
Full Moon in 11th House: The focus is on friendships, social networks, and long-term goals. You may experience a culmination or realization in these areas. It’s a good time to evaluate your place within groups and reconsider your aspirations. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 5th House: Creativity, romance, and children.
Uranus in 2nd House: Financial changes and value reassessments.
Venus in 6th House: Health, daily routines, and work-life balance.
Jupiter and Mars in 3rd House: Communication, learning, and short trips.
Saturn Retrograde in 12th House: Spiritual introspection, hidden fears, and subconscious patterns.
Taurus Rising
Full Moon in 10th House: Career, public image, and life goals are illuminated. This is a period where professional achievements or changes in your career path come into focus. You may gain recognition or feel the need to realign your public persona with your true self. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 4th House: Home, family, and emotional foundation.
Uranus in 1st House: Personal identity and sudden changes.
Venus in 5th House: Creativity, romance, and leisure activities.
Jupiter and Mars in 2nd House: Finances, possessions, and self-worth.
Saturn Retrograde in 11th House: Social circles, long-term goals, and community involvement.
Gemini Rising
Full Moon in 9th House: Higher education, travel, and philosophical beliefs are highlighted. You might complete a significant learning journey or feel a shift in your worldview. This is a time for expanding your horizons and seeking new adventures. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 3rd House: Communication, learning, and local environment.
Uranus in 12th House: Hidden changes, spirituality, and inner transformation.
Venus in 4th House: Home, family, and emotional well-being.
Jupiter and Mars in 1st House: Personal growth, identity, and self-presentation.
Saturn Retrograde in 10th House: Career reassessment, public image, and long-term ambitions.
Cancer Rising
Full Moon in 8th House: Shared resources, intimacy, and transformation are emphasized. Deep emotional connections and financial partnerships may come to the forefront. It’s a time for resolving issues related to shared resources and embracing personal transformation. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 2nd House: Finances, values, and self-esteem.
Uranus in 11th House: Friendships, social networks, and unexpected goals.
Venus in 3rd House: Communication, siblings, and local community.
Jupiter and Mars in 12th House: Subconscious drives, spiritual pursuits, and hidden enemies.
Saturn Retrograde in 9th House: Reevaluating beliefs, education, and travel plans.
Leo Rising
Full Moon in 7th House: Partnerships and relationships are the main focus. This Full Moon may bring clarity or closure to significant relationships, both personal and professional. It’s a period for balancing your needs with those of others and fostering cooperation.  Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 1st House: Personal expression, identity, and self-awareness.
Uranus in 10th House: Career changes, public image, and life direction.
Venus in 2nd House: Values, finances, and personal resources.
Jupiter and Mars in 11th House: Social activities, friendships, and goals.
Saturn Retrograde in 8th House: Intimacy, shared resources, and deep transformations.
Virgo Rising
Full Moon in 6th House: Health, daily routines, and work environment are in the spotlight. You might find yourself addressing health concerns or making changes to your daily habits. This is a time to improve your work-life balance and overall well-being. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 12th House: Solitude, spirituality, and hidden aspects.
Uranus in 9th House: Higher education, travel, and belief systems.
Venus in 1st House: Personal charm, appearance, and self-love.
Jupiter and Mars in 10th House: Career, public life, and ambitions.
Saturn Retrograde in 7th House: Partnership reevaluation, commitments, and relationship structures.
Libra Rising
Full Moon in 5th House: Creativity, children, and romantic pursuits are highlighted. Creative projects might reach completion, or you may experience shifts in your romantic life. This is a period for embracing joy, playfulness, and personal expression. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 11th House: Social networks, friendships, and aspirations.
Uranus in 8th House: Financial partnerships, transformations, and deep connections.
Venus in 12th House: Spiritual love, hidden relationships, and subconscious desires.
Jupiter and Mars in 9th House: Exploration, higher learning, and travel.
Saturn Retrograde in 6th House: Work, health, and daily responsibilities.
Scorpio Rising
Full Moon in 4th House: Home, family, and emotional foundations are emphasized. You might focus on resolving domestic issues or making changes to your living situation. This is a time for nurturing your inner self and creating a secure home environment. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 10th House: Career, public image, and achievements.
Uranus in 7th House: Partnerships, sudden relationship changes, and collaborations.
Venus in 11th House: Friendships, social circles, and shared ideals.
Jupiter and Mars in 8th House: Shared resources, transformation, and intimacy.
Saturn Retrograde in 5th House: Creative reassessment, romantic relationships, and children.
Sagittarius Rising
Full Moon in 3rd House: Communication, learning, and local environment are highlighted. You may experience revelations in how you communicate or receive important news. This is a time for fostering connections within your immediate community and pursuing intellectual interests. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 9th House: Higher education, travel, and beliefs.
Uranus in 6th House: Work changes, health, and daily routines.
Venus in 10th House: Career, public life, and professional relationships.
Jupiter and Mars in 7th House: Partnerships, collaborations, and significant others.
Saturn Retrograde in 4th House: Home, family, and emotional stability.
Capricorn Rising
Full Moon in 2nd House: Finances, values, and personal resources are the focus. Financial matters may come to a head, and you might reassess your values and material possessions. This is a period for securing your financial stability and aligning your resources with your values. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 8th House: Shared resources, transformations, and deep connections.
Uranus in 5th House: Creativity, romance, and children.
Venus in 9th House: Higher learning, travel, and philosophical beliefs.
Jupiter and Mars in 6th House: Health, daily routines, and work environment.
Saturn Retrograde in 3rd House: Communication reassessment, sibling relationships, and local community.
Aquarius Rising
Full Moon in 1st House: Personal identity, self-awareness, and individual expression are emphasized. You may experience a heightened sense of self and clarity about your personal direction. This is a time for embracing your uniqueness and asserting your individuality. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 7th House: Relationships, partnerships, and collaborations.
Uranus in 4th House: Home changes, family dynamics, and emotional foundations.
Venus in 8th House: Shared resources, intimacy, and deep connections.
Jupiter and Mars in 5th House: Creativity, children, and romantic pursuits.
Saturn Retrograde in 2nd House: Financial reassessment, values, and self-esteem.
Pisces Rising
Full Moon in 12th House: Spirituality, solitude, and hidden aspects are highlighted. You might delve into your subconscious or confront hidden fears. This is a period for introspection, spiritual growth, and releasing what no longer serves you. Following are the pressure points at the time of the Full Moon.
Sun and Mercury in 6th House: Health, work, and daily routines.
Uranus in 3rd House: Communication changes, learning, and local environment.
Venus in 7th House: Partnerships, relationships, and collaborations.
Jupiter and Mars in 4th House: Home, family, and emotional foundations.
Saturn Retrograde in 1st House: Personal identity, self-discipline, and restructuring.
Navigating the Cosmic Tides
This Full Moon in Aquarius, framed by these potent T-squares, challenges us to balance individuality and collective needs, stability and change, and practical love with spiritual growth. Embrace the tension as an opportunity for profound transformation and growth, trusting that the cosmic energies are pushing you towards your highest potential. For a guided lesson and tarot card reading about the Full Moon join me on my YouTube channel here.
With Love and a Guiding Light!