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Explosive Full Moon in Gemini Dec 2022

Updated: Nov 30, 2022

The last Full Moon of the Year occurs on December 7th at just after 9:00 pm MST. This is likely to be a very emotional event with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon conjunct to Mars in Gemini. Considering this is also the day we remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor it could be somewhat explosive. Let us instead remember those who were lost, learn from the past, and vow not to get ourselves in this type of situation again. As in pay attention to the information you are getting and act upon it.

There is still time to take advantage of my gift certificates for the holidays. I am running a special on the one-hour session. See more about it here. I also created a planner that you can download for free, that also includes some mini astrology lessons about the houses and planets. You can download a copy here. If you need help putting all the pieces together I would love to work with you as you plan your year ahead. You can book a coaching package or just an astrology reading by clicking on this link right now.

The Moon in Gemini is one where we are using our intuition to communicate with others. But our feelings are a bit back and forth. Gemini is the sign of the Twins, it is how we think and how we communicate as a result of our thinking. It rules the lungs and the tongue! Great sales people and speech givers have strong Gemini, or Mercury placements, as the ruler of Gemini. Those with a forked tongue may have their Mercury placement square to a planet like Neptune. They also could just be very creative storytellers.

Astrology charts are a great lesson in history and people. With Mars in Gemini we can literally get lost in all the details of the past. Mars has been retrograding in Gemini for months now, and helping you go back over your thinking, wherever you have Gemini in your chart. Anything you tried to put into place back in September has all been up for review. Trying to move things forward quickly has likely not been working for you either. The Moon of course checks in monthly with Mars to give it a little boost via tapping into your feelings, to help get more clarity. The Moon will be of course full when it has it’s talk with Mars this time. This combines our passion or anger with our feelings, and that can either be very volatile, or extremely motivating. Could this be just what you needed to finally make your mind up about something? Both will be sitting at 16 degrees of Gemini, which is the same degree Jupiter was in when the attack occurred on Pearl Harbor, like Mars it too was retrograde. Is there a lesson we need to learn about being prepared for an unexpected attack? Perhaps we need to pay more attention to the information we are being given. Is it real or make believe? Mars was in Aries back then which is war, but now it is in Gemini, potentially creating a war of words that is coming to an end. Twitter comes to mind. Might be a good time to download and save anything of importance you have out there.

The Sun will be in Sagittarius, the opposing sign of Gemini, at 16 degrees. This energy is not about the details, it is about the big picture. Gemini is like an elementary school teacher, Sagittarius would be more like a Professor. This is the energy of the voracious learner or traveler. It wants big wide-open spaces and to be on the move forward, like the arrow that represents this sign. The Sun is always shining on the Moon in order to show it something about where it is currently. This says there is likely to be lessons learned and information shared during this time. The Sun is standing alone in Sagittarius as it also opposes Mars. This is where some of that explosive type of energy can play out. This could be a war of egos. Each side is sure they are right. But truly they need to hire a mediator and learn to meet in the middle. Both have something of value to add to this conversation. It is not the time to just talk over one another just to be heard. It is time to truly listen.

The ruler of the full Moon is Mercury, ruler of Gemini. At the time of the full moon it will just have entered into the sign of Capricorn. This suggests that there may be some information related to government, or leaders of business that is brought to light. Mercury is also just past its exact square to Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, so the information that came up may already be causing some friction.

Adding positive energy into the Full Moon is Saturn, moving forward in the sign of Aquarius at 20 degrees. Saturn isn’t rosy energy, but it is meeting up with Mars, the Moon and Sun in positive aspect. This could be the structure that is needed so this information doesn’t get lost amongst the air waves. There could be some sort of regulation put in place for instance regarding information.

Chiron in Aries, which is the sign that Mars rules over, will be making positive contact as well to the planets involved in this event. This would suggest that there is something that is ending now that involves some sort of pain from the past. Some sort of attack or argument can be resolved. Especially when you learn to stand up for yourself, or regain some self-confidence.

There could be an odd surprise in store as well. The North Node and Uranus are still traveling side by side in Taurus, and making an odd angle back to the Sun in Sagittarius. This contact has been going on for a few days leading up to the Full Moon, so it may not be a complete surprise, but the ending to whatever this is for you, could be. The North Node is our fate, but it is also the lessons we need to learn to grow into that fate. Something about the things we value may be coming up for review, again!

Jupiter began moving forward at the New Moon in Sagittarius on Nov 23rd. It is now at the last degree of Pisces, for the 3rd and final time of this 12-year cycle. This is an intense degree, and when Jupiter is there, it is even more so. Pisces is also endings. This is the last sign of the Zodiac. It is also things that are hidden, or unseen, but we know they exist. At the time of the Full Moon it will be in a square to Venus. Squares mean change is needed, sometimes the change is pretty harsh. But these two planets are considered kind and loving energy. Perhaps there is a conflict that can now be resolved in a peaceful manner. Pluto has been sextile to Jupiter for a while now, and that is slowly coming to an end now. But there still is the influence of the Underworld, and hidden power that is fueling Jupiter’s cause. What lesson have you been working on with Jupiter this year? The Pisces portion of it is about to end.

To learn more about what Gemini means and to get in touch with this energy more closely check out my article here. This includes a hypnosis session for connecting with the energy of Gemini.

Let’s take a look at what you will be bringing to fullness below. If you want help with setting intentions and rituals for the Moon events check out my Moon Manifesting package! The following information is best when you know your natal chart and the placement of your Rising, Sun and Moon signs and the houses they are placed in. Of course, these are just generalizations and to know for sure it is best to book a session.

Aries – the Full Moon will happen in your 3rd house, which is the house of Gemini, so you get double impact to concluding something at this time involving schooling, learning, or writing. Mars has been traveling through here helping you review the information you have been learning. Also, in your 3rd house you really need to slow down, accidents are possible when you rush too much. The Sun shines the light from your 9th house of higher learning, like a major degree. Maybe this will be just the beginning to what your learning journey will be. You are definitely feeling motivated to wrap your learning up.

Taurus – the money you make is highlighted now by the Moon and Mars in your 2nd house. This could be the nudge you need to leave a job that no longer serves you. Or you could be intuitively guided to the new one you have been pursuing since Mars started its retrograde. Mars has been making it hard to make any changes where your work is involved. It may be wreaking some havoc and causing you to do a lot of rework. If that is you it’s time to slow down and not push so hard to move things forward at this time. Do all the research you need about your next job instead. The Sun is in your 8th house of the money you gain from other resources. Good news is that resources is going to buy you some time so you don’t have to make any big moves right away. But don’t rely on this too heavily. You still need to do your part.

Gemini – this is your Full Moon, occurring in your first house. A personal goal or achievement could occur at this time. With Mars putting you through the ringer during its retrograde you could be mentally and physically exhausted. But all that effort is going to be worth it. The Sun is shining a light from your 7th house of serious relationships. Perhaps a sign it’s now time to find some balance between your goals and your partner’s goals. A partner could play a major role in helping you achieve your goals.

Cancer – a 12th house Full Moon could unearth some long-hidden information or secrets. Maybe you are just ready to create that spiritual course you have been thinking about while Mars has been retrograding. Those dreams might not just be weird and crazy, there could be clues that you need to pay attention to right now. The Sun shines a light from the 6th house, and the things that are keeping you away from allowing yourself to dream and create. How can you bring these two areas together in a productive way? Asking for a friend, Mars actually.

Leo – something coming to fullness in your 11th house of friends and networking groups, means the Sun will shine a light from your 5th house of joy, romance and creativity. Mars will be motivating you to find your tribe, perhaps following your passion is the key to meeting these new people. If you are however hanging out with the wrong crowd then now is the time to end those relationships. It could be a new romantic partner introduces you to a new group of friends. They might even have a tip about a new job for you. Perhaps Mars has been leading you back to some old friends in order to reconnect.

Virgo – Mars has been stomping around in your 10th house of career and fame, causing you to rethink everything you thought you knew you wanted from your career. Now the Moon joins in and you might finally see the whole picture. The Sun is in your 4th house of home and family, perhaps offering you some insight about the status or career you are seeking. Will you leave the one you have or just take it to a new level? Could be that working out of your home in some way will benefit you.

Libra – there is an end to something involving the 9th house of higher learning and foreign places. You could have been studying abroad and now it is time to return home. The Sun is shining a light from your local community, perhaps a beacon that is calling you back. Maybe you can figure out a way to spilt your time between these two places. Mars in retrograde in the 9th house may have called you to go back on a spiritual path, or to visit a foreign land. There is a definite calling to grow and expand. You will get clues with this full moon, but the journey isn’t over yet. The answers you seek are out there, keep looking.

Scorpio – in the 8th house the money you receive from others is coming to an end. Or the financing you need for a project is coming through. Could be you have written a book and the money is getting paid out now. This is also the house that rules the money your partner makes and a change here is highlighting something about the money you make. The Sun is shining a light from the 2nd house of the money you make. Are you going to have to let go of your current job because of your partners? Is there any way to compromise? With that Mars energy in the 8th house you are determined to find ways to create more income for yourself from some side gigs potentially. Keep exploring your options.

Sagittarius – it’s your time to shine when the Sun is in your home sign. But now isn’t the time for big picture things or big adventures, if they conflict with the goals your partner has. The Moon and Mars are calling your attention to what is happening in your serious relationships. One of them may be coming to an end because you have been too focused on your own needs. There is still time to take action and learn to communicate with each other better. It’s a really good time to find activities to do with your partner. Is there something you used to do together that you can get back to?

Capricorn – never one to shy away from doing the work the Full Moon in your 6th house is highlighting all that effort you have been making lately in the area of work and/or health. Perhaps you have a big final project that you are ready to conclude now. It could lead to even bigger things, with the Sun shining a light from the 12th house. But don’t rush this. There is something that you might be missing before you turn this in. Mars in the 6th house may have been pushing you to get in shape. There is still time to review what plan will work best for you.

Aquarius – your 5th house of romance, children, love and joy is highlighted. While Mars has been retrograding here you may have been trying to find something you feel passionate about. With the Sun in your 11th house a friend group may just have the answers. They could have a hobby or interest that speaks to you. Or maybe they have a friend who has their eye on you! Mars in the 5th house for an extended period like this gives you time to experiment and try new things. You don’t have to commit to anything just yet.

Pisces – what about home and family has had your mind busy over these past few months? Are you working on a project at home that is finally ready to be completed? Could be just a portion that is ready to be finished since Mars still has some time before it’s finished renovating your 4th house. The Sun is shining a light on your career front. Has that been pulling you away from home? Is it time to figure out a new career path that allows you to spend more time at home? Listen to your intuition about how to resolve those issues at home, it will be easier than you think. With Mars in that 4h house it can cause accidents at home, things that break so you have to spend time working on the home. It could be a great time to uncover how to work from home full-time.

It is so important to listen to your feelings when the Moon and Mars meet up. They may come through as a hard push of energy, trying to get you to stop going down a path that isn’t for you. It may show up as pain in your body, causing you again to slow down and pay attention to what it is trying to tell you. Mars is showing you the information you need to become the warrior and champion of your own life. Where ever it is traveling for you based on the above there is a major lesson to be learned. This Full Moon is just one of the chapters ending, there is much more still to come.

Love and Light!



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