Get ready for paying attention to the details details details. Mars is at the very last degree of Gemini which might make you a little OCD, ok it might make you a lot OCD! But man are you getting stuff done!

The general energy card is right in line with the above. We have the 8 of Autumn/Pentacles. This is also symbolic of the planet Venus moving into Taurus at 0 degrees and in a sextile over to Mars. We have money making on our minds and we are looking very closely at what we need to do to make more. If making money isn't on your mind then spending it sure might be. Just pay attention to what you are wanting to buy and why. You could have the tendency to overspend in this kind of energy. We are feeling good and when we do we tend to overindulge just a bit. Use this energy instead for studying and really looking at the details of any paperwork you have in front of you.
The love energy is Yin, which is classic Venus, and making us very receptive. This is not a day for pursuing what you want. This is a day for letting it come to you. Be open to receiving love, be trusting, be honest about how you feel. This is a chance to shift your role and stop trying to control outcomes.
The Goddess advice comes from Freya and she is here to take care of you after the long battle you have been fighting. You simply don't need to get caught up in the chaos anymore. This is telling you to move into the space of Yin, noted in the card above. In fact the very best thing you can do is disconnect and see what is really going on around you. Not the smoke and mirrors that you are seeing, but the actual truth of the situation. Power struggles are nothing but ego and you cannot have love and ego occupying the same space. So which do you really want, to soothe your ego or soothe your heart. You decide.
The numerological energy is a 7. This is a day for going within and searching your soul for the answers you are seeking.
The astrological energy as mentioned above sees 2 planets shifting signs. By tomorrow Mars will enter Cancer where love and family will rule. And today Venus shifts into Taurus her home sign. She really likes to luxuriate in this energy. This means there will be surprises coming up as she connects with Uranus. This is the theme for the next 7 years. Where will your lessons in Taurus be? You are about to find out. So really pay attention to what is coming up for you right now where love, self-worth, money, luxury and whatever is happening in your relationships or how you earn money. Taurus is the 2nd house of the zodiac and does impact how you earn the money you make, your paycheck specifically. The Mars energy heightens the love energy so just be aware and don't get too carried away. Save that for the full moon on Saturday! :)
Love and Light!