Pay attention to your day. The Moon is exactly sextile the point of the full moon on Saturday in deep mystical Scorpio. What is showing up for you?

The general energy card is the 2 of Autumn/Pentacles. This is a day for juggling multiple priorities. You also want to be aware that for every low there is a high and vice versa. If life were just one flat highway it would get pretty boring and you would likely fall asleep at the wheel. Pick one thing to focus on at a time, then pick up the next one so this day does not overwhelm you.
The relationship energy is Soul Mates. I don't know what it is about this card but it always brings with it such a sense of peace. You have found the key to your lock and you are whole again. This applies to friends, family co-workers and lovers. Our soul mates came here with us to help support us on our journey, and we do the same for their's. Sometimes they are with us for a lifetime, part of our soul family, and sometimes just a brief but impactful moment. This person will help you juggle life a little easier today.
The Goddess energy is Yhi who represents the Sun, which represents success! See you can juggle it all today! Quite nicely actually. Remember to take time out for some fun in the day as well. Celebrate your successes. This is a big achievement and you deserve the recognition.
The numerological energy is a 4. We are strengthening our inner foundations with the success we achieve.
The astrological energy has us building towards our full moon. Now is a great time to go back to the New Moon in Scorpio November 7th and see how you did in manifesting your goals and desires. What were your New Moon wishes? What are you ready to bring to fullness? Before we get there though you will be driven to take action, which is why we will be successful. The Sun is exactly trine with Pluto. I always see this energy as transformational in a positive way. You are taking your power back, you are no longer willing to listen to naysayers, especially the one's in your head. This has been building over the past few days. What is showing up for you? Where will you shine brightly?? Driving this need to succeed is Mars at the last degree of Gemini. You are a paperwork ninja, your planning lists are being checked off like there is no tomorrow! Your mind is alight with imagination and solutions and and and...just remember to take a breath. Mars will soon shift into Cancer where it's a little too warm and cozy, but your home and family will become the focus of your energy!
Love and Light!