Happy Mother's Day! If you happen to be born on this day like say someone I have known since our late teens....then it's also a Happy Solar Return. Things will be a little more sedate today, but very loving! Today is the last day for my Mother' Day Special Offer and I do send Gift Certificates via email if you need a last minute gift!! Book Now button is just above!!

Our general energy card says this is a good day to just retreat and relax. The yard work, the chores, your other problems can wait. Especially if the Tower card was disruptive yesterday like it was for me. Let things take a slower pace. If you can't slow down on the outside at least take some time to go within and check in with what bothers you. Give your mind a rest. You don't have to complete every task on your to-do list in one day.
Our relationship energy is beautiful. Loyal Heart can signal the beginning of a serious committed relationship. This is the moment you realize after checking in with yourself that this could be the one. You can trust this person and what they are saying. The love is genuine and it is being reflected back to you. Even our relationships are reflecting a certain level of commitment. It is a good day to do a check in and see if you are being as loyal to others as they are to you.
The Goddess Maat is back again already with her message of Truth. This could mean we specifically need to open our hearts and tell others how we feel today. If you can't be with your mom at least pick up the phone. Even if you have been struggling with your mother it's a good day to let by gone's be by gone's and just say Happy Mother's Day. The past can never be undone. But it can be put away, made peace with, and then released. This is how you take your power back. Be honest with yourself about your relationships and decide what is worth making the effort. Cutting the ties to the past that holds you back is very uplifting, and your whole world will change. Give it a try.
The numerological energy is a 6, yay finally we have graduated from the 5. In keeping with Mother's Day we have a loving balanced energy. Ahhhh.
The astrological energy is pretty similar to yesterday. Venus is the star of the show today with her sextile to Mars that lasts for the next few days and a trine to the Moon. The Moon is also at the last degree of Leo putting our emotions on stage and allowing us to get in touch with how we really feel about a particular someone. Venus and Mars together are hot hot hot. Those who meet someone new over the next few days are going to have some sparks flying. The Sun is making a trine over to Saturn, Pluto and the South Node still with the sextile to the North Node. This makes you confident in whatever you want to tackle. Then we have the North Node and company starting to make positive contact with Neptune. These Nodal contacts with planets have a lot to do with what is going on in your personal charts. Things are definitely shifting for you and you are seeing something new show up in your life that is very meaningful. It might be subtle shift, but it is important so pay attention.
Love and Light!