Happy Pagan New Year!! Today the sun marches into Aries. Get it? Marches?? I'm here all day folks!! Oh boy looks like the jokes are back with the full moon in Libra. Read my forecast https://www.maraleeburnett.com/post/full-moon-in-libra-march-2019 for what is in store for your sign.

The general energy card today is the 3 of Air/Swords. This is not the prettiest card in the Tarot, in fact most people don't like seeing this card at all. But what this means on a full moon is that we are ready to move on from the pain, we are ready to heal. This heartbreak is in the past and we don't have to carry it with us anymore. The full moon is asking that we bring our healing chapter to a close. It has been long enough, it is time to let this go and have a fresh start.
The love energy is Spend Quality Time Together. Whatever has been keeping you apart, this is a day of coming together. You may not have a lot of time to spend together, but make what time you have worth it. Do something together that you both enjoy. Volunteer, make dinner at home together, talk to each other, not text each other. Most important of all, listen. Sometimes you don't even have to say anything, just listen and the messages will come through for you.
The action/advice card is from our Goddess Hera, and it is perfect. She speaks of Alliances, and with a Full Moon in Libra that is the overarching theme. We need to build and create interdependent relationships. These are healthy bonds, these are people that either we are helping in some way or they are helping us. These are relationships where we do not give our power away. An Alliance means we are equal partners, we both have something to gain, or we both have exactly the same things to lose. If you need a mentor they will appear for you today, or if you are needed as a mentor someone will reach out to you today.
The numerological energy is a 6. This means we are open to giving and receiving whatever is needed for you today. We are fair and balanced, and if we haven't been then today we will make an effort to correct that.
The astrological energy is of course the Full Moon in Libra, the Spring Equinox, the Sextile between Venus and Jupiter, the Trine between Mars and Pluto, and and and....there is a lot going on in the heavens. Choose to work with these energies and see how life starts to unfold in better ways for you. Free will means regardless of what is happening around you the choice is still yours in how you react to it. Disengage, look for the lesson, accept it and move forward. Or get sucked in, let your mind swirl and stay stuck. Absolutely everything is pushing you to move forward. Well except that darn Mercury, but he is only one planet, so just acknowledge what he is showing you from the past. But don't get stuck there. Whatever appears is just a test, a lesson. If you look at this situation again, now that time has passed, will you make a different choice? Some things are just better left in the past, so let them lie.
Love and MoonLight!!