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Energycast Feb 26, 2019

We have sunny skies and you would think we would be out enjoying, but today the energy is more peaceful and withdrawn.

Our general energy card is the 4 of Winter/Swords. The winter months are for hibernating and that is exactly what this card suggests. It is a day for going within, meditating, finding your center. This is the advice you seek from someone else, it is a time for connecting with spirit and seeing what messages are there for you. So if you have been on the go go go, this is your chance to take a step back and just relax. The 4's are about building foundations for future events, listen closely during your still time to the messages you receive.

The Love energy is Treasure your Loved ones, and I like how this is also the look of a protective cave. This speaks of keeping out hate, conflict, stress, anything that detracts from the feeling of love in your relationships. This also in some ways reminds us that it is always safe to love, so express that love freely and openly to the one's you love.

The action/advice card is from our Goddess White Buffalo Calf Woman. With reverence we approach all things in life from a place of peace. How different would life be if you didn't 'react' to the things that upset your ego. And I don't mean in a passive aggressive way either. Approach this day with peace in your heart and see where it takes you. All 3 cards have the same message and that message is to remain calm.

The numerological energy is a 1, with the 5 mixed in there, telling us the change we experience today will lead us to new and better beginnings!

The astrological energy supporting us is all about Mercury, Venus and Uranus. All are getting ready to make a major shift. Venus and Mercury impact our conversations and relationships and Uranus steps in to shake things up. Expect to get pushed to take your relationships through the next week into entirely new territory. The square between Venus and Uranus is meant to move you to a place you didn't expect, but is for your highest good. The sextile between Mercury and Venus makes it easier to communicate how we feel. So take advantage of this time and make the extra effort to tell those you love, just how much you do.

Love and Light!

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