Success is on our agenda today! Since it's Monday and we are back at work/school I guess the stars are helping us get back in our groove. :)
Our general energy card is the Prince of Autumn, which is the Knight of Pentacles in the traditional tarot. This is slow and steady energy. If this is you then you are working on a task today that takes patience and determination, you will not rush this. If you are interacting with this person then they possess these traits and are helping you with something of a financial nature, perhaps bringing you some sort of a financial gift. And please remember sharing is caring, so give what you receive.
Our romance goals are Treasure Island, again! Goodness we are really looking for achieving our dreams where our relationships are concerned. In order to get to Treasure Island we have to be a vibrational match for it. This is not about rushing there, according to the card above this is a slow and steady pace. So today's message is you are on course, there is no need to rush. Take this one step at a time, the island is not going anywhere. In the end it will not matter how you got here, it only matters that you have finally arrived.
Our action/advice Goddess is Nike which means today we are taking action, but taking them as mentioned above in a slower pace. We are successful and we should celebrate our success. Perhaps what you do today is more foundational than a specific outcome, but you should still recognize it as a huge part of the process. Without a solid foundation what you build will fall away. Or as in our island it will disappear from view.
Our numerological energy is still a 3. We are being guided by our creator at this time, we are tapping into our creativity and producing long lasting results.
Our astrological energy, well first of all congratulations on the work last week. We are definitely being pushed outside our comfort zones right now and being forced to review our actions. What are your long term goals? Where are you heading? Have you gotten off course? This week we will see an opposition between Mars and Jupiter. This pushes us to review our actions. They must be purposeful, they must be moving us forward. Our success depends on pushing our limits. Additionally we will have a New Moon in Taurus on the 4th. We are again having a lunar event ruled by Venus. Self-worth, money, luxury, sensuousness, love are all impacted. The most important is self-worth. Where you vibrate in terms of self-worth, is exactly what you are attracting into your life. So if you are struggling, this is the place to focus. The New Moon will bring you a new beginning in the areas mentioned. Start focusing on what those wishes should be, then get ready to write them down.
Love and Light.