I can’t even believe I am writing the December horoscope. This year has gone by so incredibly fast. To help you prepare for the year ahead I have a special offer for those shopping for loved ones and need unique gift ideas. My hour-long session gift certificate is at a special discount rate of $99. You can purchase one or more on my website here. As a client you get a 20% off coupon to share with friends and family on other services as well. This gets sent to you as soon as you complete a session with me. This newsletter is a bit longer than most because it has a full overview of all the major planets in 2023 and a free gift. Be sure to read all the way until the end. Feel free to share this with someone you think could benefit from all this information as well. Thank you!
As December begins we have Neptune moving ahead in the sign of Pisces, we will see Chiron end its retrograde closer to Christmas. Mercury will have its last retrograde of the year beginning on the 29th. The Full Moon this month is in the sign of Gemini, where Mars is now retrograde. The New Moon happens just before Christmas in the sign of Capricorn, right as Chiron ends its retrograde, this could be a very healing new beginning. We will be feeling the after effects of eclipse season and the turmoil should begin to lessen. But keep in mind the full resolution of the eclipses could take 6 months to a year to completely unfold.
December 1st – Rabbit Rabbit is the tradition to bring good luck to the month ahead, say this as you first awake. Saturn and Venus make a sextile to one another helping us make a solid plan, or commitment related to Venus topics. This could be relationships or financial topics, maybe even a purchase that will last a very long time. Saturn is also trine to Mars while it opposes Venus. There may be a challenge that occurs in your current contracts or agreements that someone who is an authority figure will help you resolve. There is a definite need for conflict resolution now.
December 3rd – Neptune began its retrograde all the way back on June 28th, it spends almost half the year in retrograde. It also only moves a few degrees each year. Now things involving spirituality, creativity, artistry can begin to move forward.
December 4th – The Sun in Sagittarius is in a trine to Chiron, still retrograde until almost Christmas. This shines a light on your ability to heal, your ability to be a healer. If you had thought of being some type of healer in the past this may come up for you as something to pursue now. It’s a great day to set your intentions to heal.
December 5th – the Moon is back in the area where we had the Full Moon Lunar eclipse last month. Uranus has taken a step farther back in its retrograde journey, stepping closer to the South Node. If something came up for you but you were not quite ready to let it go, you may feel the urge to do so now. Jupiter is once again back at the critical 29th degree of Pisces. This is a great time to move things forward involving the arts and your spiritual gifts. Jupiter normally makes things bigger. So those who use their intuition and psychic gifts could experience major downloads during the next week or so.
December 6th – Mercury is now at 29 degrees of Sagittarius and squaring with Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius. You might need to change our mind about something you think we know. A square between the two planets that rule over knowledge says a change is needed. Pluto will be trine to the Moon in Taurus, so whatever is showing up you need to tune into your intuition and follow your gut.
December 7th – in the United States we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor, so it is no surprise that the Sun and Mars, the planet of war, oppose one another today, during a Full Moon in Gemini. There could be an argument from the past that is coming back up again, and things could get really heated. The answer as with all opposition energies lies somewhere in the middle. If you push too hard against someone you may get a harsh push back, even physically. This is not the day to push anyone’s buttons and it won’t be for the few days prior and after this meeting. The Sun is also making an odd angle to Uranus making this energy that is explosive in nature very erratic. Not the best days for travel either. Stay safe, especially overseas. A full moon is a time for completion. Gemini is the sign that rules seeing both sides of an issue. It is about learning and teaching. To get better connected to the energy of Gemini check out my article here along with the attached hypnosis session. The full details for setting intentions for the Full Moon in Gemini will be in the upcoming article. You can be sure you get it by joining my website and becoming a part of my mailing list.
December 9th – the two benefic planets Venus and Jupiter square off today. This is a gentle adjustment when these two come together. However, both are at 29 degrees which is a critical degree. Whatever has to change now is somewhat urgent in nature. The need for care and compassion, perhaps because of the conflict between the Sun and Mars, could be what is called for now. Mercury and the Moon oppose each other so you could have a hard time figuring out who is right. The mind and your intuition are struggling to find common ground.
December 12th – the Sun and Saturn meet up in a sextile which is usually a somewhat subtle or gentle energy but neither the Sun nor Saturn are subtle. This makes it a good day to do some power holiday shopping. But keep in mind there might be some people who think they are all that while you are out doing your shopping. We might see an authority figure try to throw their weight around on a day like today. It was last March when these two were last in a sextile, the Sun in the fire sign of Aries then. Sag energy is focused on growing and expanding its knowledge. If you are thinking about signing up for taking courses next year this would be a great day to do so. However, Mercury is just now entering its shadow period in Capricorn so proceed with caution and have a back up plan.
December 15th – there could be some good news received as a result of the positive connection between Mercury and the Nodes. Uranus is still close to the North Node increasing the chances this news is a bit surprising, but it should be welcome news. It could be some good financial news as the Moon in Virgo joins in to create a Grand Earth Trine for part of the day. Definitely tune into your intuition if you are offered a business deal of some sort. Just remember nothing major should be launched knowing Mercury will come back over this area during its retrograde in January just as Uranus and Mars are about to go forward. We are also starting to see the activation of that YOD from earlier this year between the South Node, Mars and Chiron again. The plot thickens and some more of your destiny unfolds. Continue to be cautiously optimistic about whatever this mission is for you. A grand trine signals success, but there is going to be some extra effort needed on your part. Be prepared to do some work, in fact, some re-work, then expect to see the rewards come your way.
December 17th – Mercury is exactly trine to Uranus making the information that comes in a bit unexpected. This is the energy of the genius inventor. If you have a problem you have been trying to solve there could be a miraculous solution. These two planets are both in signs that rule financial markets so could be a day where we see some good returns on our investments. Or, some crazy volatility.
December 18th – that YOD gains in strength today as Mars is exactly inconjunct the South Node. This means you are thinking about the decisions you made when this YOD first started back when Mars first hit 12 degrees of Gemini, on of course September 12th, you really cannot make this stuff up. Whatever started showing up for you at that time, has some more information for you now. The final part of this story appears on you may not believe this, but February 12th. 12 reduces to the number 3, which is a connection to our creator and what helps us tap into our creative skills. This big idea you had from the past sure seems to have a lot of support. Don’t drop the ball on this. Mars won’t be back for a very long time in the sign of Gemini for this type of an assist for this long. Make sure you do the work.
December 19th – Happy Hanukkah for those who celebrate. More energy gets added to your YOD mission as the Moon joins the South Node in Scorpio, while Mars and Chiron are now at the 11-degree point of their signs. Keep in mind Chiron is in the sign Mars rules, Aries. This is the sign that rules over the 1st house and represents how we show ourselves to the world. Those wounds that have caused us to lack confidence, they can be healed now, for good. Especially as Venus is now speaking in harmony also with the Moon and South Node, and Uranus and the North Node. A fated love event may be just what you need to fully recover from a painful past experience.
December 21st – As the Sun enters into the sign of Capricorn we welcome the first day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of Spring in the Southern. This of course marks the equinox, where we have equal parts day and night. This is a reminder that we need to honor both the light and the dark within us. One cannot exist without the other. Shadow work can be hard, but once you are all the way through it, you will be glad you faced this side of you. Jupiter has also just re-entered the sign of Aries, and is also at 0 degrees, that makes it square to the Sun. This could be the energy you feel supporting you doing your shadow work, that little ego self sometimes can be a bit of a spoiled brat. It really does not appreciate being told to clean up its act. But it's time you set some goals for yourself, honor your boundaries, and be the warrior you are meant to be. This doesn’t mean you have to stop being nice, it just means it’s time to stop being so nice you get walked all over. Jupiter moving forward is the sign you have been waiting for since the end of July. You have seen all you need to see, it’s time to make a change, and the time is now.
December 23rd – we have the New Moon in Capricorn with the Sun and Moon coming together at 1 degree of the sign. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, making this a great month to set intentions to plan for the year ahead. Venus will be in a trine to Uranus still, and Chiron still sextile to Mars. Jupiter is still squaring the Sun, and now the Moon energy is added into this square. So that ego adjustment you were working on, now includes an adjustment to how you feel about something Capricorn related. Capricorn is the 10th house, ruler of your Midheaven, where you reach the peak in your life. This could be a change in career, or status like marriage, or divorce even. Something about how you have been recognized is heading for a major shift. Just to make this new beginning even more interesting we have Chiron ending its retrograde, which was started back in mid-July. You have reviewed your wounds for long enough, not it's time to be healed. More on this in the full write up.
December 24th – Its Christmas Eve and Mercury speaks in harmony with Neptune, so you may have some creative inspiration that you instantly want to work on. However, don’t get too far ahead of yourself. Mercury will slow down and turn retrograde shortly. It’s the perfect time though to revive something from the past, make some tweaks and then be ready to launch it in January. Neptune in Pisces is our psychic abilities so perhaps there are some messages from the other side received by those who are able to access the veil. There could be some healing conversations had today.
December 25th and 26th – Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanza and Happy Boxing Day! I am wishing you are yours a wonderful holiday no matter which one you are celebrating. I appreciate each one of you!
December 28th – we are in for a dreamy day when Venus and Neptune are in a sextile to one another. Granted Venus doesn’t necessarily love her time in Capricorn, the energy is a bit too serious and stuffy for her feminine side. What the planet does love though is Piscean energy and escaping. This is a good day to plan a little personal pampering or just unwind and have a spa day. Cash in that gift certificate you got! Enjoy some rest and relaxation after all the crazy holiday rushing around. Chiron is exactly inconjunct the South Node, this time moving ahead as it moves away from Mars. This may be the last bit of your YOD mission being shown to you. You will know exactly what you need to do. Mission accomplished.
December 29th – and so it begins, the last retrograde of the year is kicked off by mercury. Last year at this time it was Venus who was retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. This is a good time to go over all your business paperwork, get a handle on those taxes, and write offs, and those documents you need for next year. You have 3 weeks to review the results of this year and start planning for next. Capricorn is all about work. If you are even pondering buying a car at those end of year events, I am not going to recommend you do. Especially since the aforementioned Venus is exactly conjunct to Mercury at the time of this retrograde. Is there a financial lesson you were meant to learn this year? Whatever the Venus retrograde had you focused on this could be the final piece of the puzzle that gives you the answers you were searching for all year! Buried treasure hunt anyone??? Sign me up for that! That treasure could be money or a long-lost love. Might be until next Valentine’s day whether you find out if they are the one or not. Be patient.
December 31st – Hello New Year’s Eve! Unbelievable but 2022 is about to be in the rearview mirror. The Moon will be in the sign of Taurus, so emotionally we feel good. Venus is conjunct to Pluto which could have us feeling extremely powerful or extremely fearful. Venus is not a fan of Pluto, things are much too dark and forbidden in the underworld. Love can feel a bit possessive whenever these two meet up. You have to channel this energy very carefully. Pluto is power, Venus is money, perhaps a new power couple will have some big announcement today. The Sun is making an odd angle to Mars who is starting to slow down and begin to prepare to move forward again. Again this suggests some strange information coming to the surface just as we end the year.
2023 Preview – we are moving from a 6 Universal year into a 7. The energy of the 7 is much more withdrawn. In the extreme as a collective we are going to have some reason to stay hidden this year. It is a time of reflection. The six energy was supposed to be fun and filled with love, but we seemed to go too overboard with that energy and indulged in it too much, causing some excesses. Next year’s eclipses will be in Aries and Scorpio, then Libra and Taurus. The nodes will shift in July to Aries and Libra.
Pluto is going to make a brief dip into Aquarius before it retrogrades back into Capricorn. The power is going to shift to the people when Pluto stays in Aquarius, but for now the Government is still holding all the power and at the very end of its transformation work. This will be a year where we look back in history and notice a shift of power happening.
Saturn will spend its time in the sign of Pisces, Neptune will still be there but at the later degrees of the sign still. Saturn will only get through the first 7 degrees before it heads back to 0 degrees. This again signals a major shift in power. Saturn returns every 29 years to a sign, where it then spends about 2 ½ years. That makes the last time it was in this sign 1994. So, those of you born that year are having your Saturn return and will find yourself wondering if you are where you are meant to be. There will be a call to get more serious about your life goals. For the rest of us it will be good to look back at how Saturn in Pisces affected you back then.
Jupiter will enter the sign of Taurus on May 17th, it will go retrograde at 15 degrees of that sign. Uranus will also still be in Taurus but further along and go retrograde at 23 degrees in August.
Venus will have a retrograde beginning mid-July just as the nodes switch signs. She is in the sign of Leo, which she really enjoys. No complaints about getting to spend more time in the sign of love and joy.
Mercury will have its 4 retrogrades in the Earth signs this year. Showing us how to get better grounded and have us rethinking our work and our finances.
Neptune will continue to spend its time in Pisces getting to almost 28 degrees of the sign before it begins its retrograde at the end of June. Neptune like Pluto spends a long time in each sign because of how slow it moves. In 2025 it will move into the sign of Aries along with Saturn which will be major changes in our independence. It first entered Pisces in February of 2012. Reflecting back you can see the influence this has had on dissolving things in this area of your life and chart.
Last but not least, Chiron will still spend its time in Aries and go retrograde at 19 degrees. The degrees matter most when you happen to have a personal planet at those degrees. Chiron always transits between the signs of Uranus and Saturn. To stay ahead of Saturn when it enters into Aries with Neptune it will need to move into Taurus in 2027.
If you want to plan your year ahead and see how the planets will impact your life I have a worksheet available here. You may need to create a free drop box account to access it. But you can fill this out along with your birth chart to see what houses will be impacted, and if you have any planets that are directly impacted as well. Of course it is best to work with a trained astrologer, like me. However if you like to play Jr Astrologer this is a great way to get started. Also this worksheet is filled out for you as a part of the Manifesting with the Moon package which is just $11.11 through the end of the year. See it on my website here.
The first day of the New Year has the Sun speaking in harmony with the Nodes. Seems to say our success is fated in a good way! Of course, it is exactly square to Chiron so there is a need to heal something first, or because of our success. Perhaps you need some help believing you are worthy? Chiron is also still inconjunct to the South Node. Still suggesting a need to heal in a unique way the pain of the past. Interesting is the fact the Moon is back in Taurus with the North Node and Uranus, all speaking in harmony with the Sun. This is another piece of your Full Moon Lunar Eclipse puzzle coming to light. Mercury retrograde in the sign of Capricorn might suggest the year will go by feeling much slower than 2022. Maybe because we aren’t wishing the year away like we did in 2022. This is the birth chart for 2023, these are the themes we will see the entire year ahead. Mars is at the degree it started its retrograde at the end of October, 8 of Gemini. So, whatever you learned during the retrograde you may be working on for this entire year. We will cover all of this and more in the monthly horoscopes. Be sure you are signed up to get them! In January I am going to compare how Jan 1st of 2022 compared to the year we ended up having. It’s pretty spot on, of course!
Love and Light!