April begins with a New Moon in Aries on the 1st, followed by a Full Moon in Libra on April 16th and most importantly kicks off eclipse season on the last day of the month with a New Moon Solar Eclipse. That means we have 2 New Moon’s in the same month. We are in a time for new beginnings. Aries is ruled by Mars, which means we are taking action, initiating things. It is a Cardinal sign that signifies the changing of the seasons. Aries season began with the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, where things are just now coming back to life. This is the time to continue our intentions for starting new things. Following are some of the key energies for the month ahead. Be ready for an intense energy filled month.
April 1st – The New Moon in Aries occurs at 2:24 am EDT. The Sun and Moon will meet at 11 degrees of the sign, further signifying a portal is open to manifesting our desires with the energy of this New Moon. Also a part of this energy, will be Mercury at 10 degrees of Aries and Chiron at 12. Our new beginning brings a chance to heal, a chance to smooth over miscommunications. While it occurs Neptune will be conjunct with Jupiter and both will be in a positive aspect to the Nodes of fate. If there was ever a time for Angels to appear and provide you with messages and/or protection, it is now. A spiritual path of light is opening and will be with us for the entire month. More details on this in my monthly New Moon article.
April 2nd – the Sun, Chiron and Mercury are exactly conjunct today, creating a stellium and Cazimi, because the stellium of 3 planets involves the Sun. This is the time when our mind can be cleansed by the Sun. Our wounds can be healed. It is intense energy and for those that don’t enjoy all the attention on your pain, it is a good day for finding a way to quiet your mind. Meditation, hypnosis, and yoga are all good options. Our emotions are also going through some fire as the Moon squares off with Pluto. The emotions that do not serve you are being shown to you so you can do something about them. If you are acting in a destructive manner it is now time to stop. Adding even more significance to this day is the square between Saturn and the Nodes. They meet up at 22 degrees, the master builder number. Some type of structure being built now is all wrong and may come tumbling to the ground to be rebuilt better and stronger than before.
April 4th – with Mars now conjunct with Saturn I expect there to major upheaval as they both square to the Nodes. This will be playing out on the world stage in a very dramatic way, potentially all week long. In your personal life you can use this energy to kick start your plans for achieving your life path goals. Mars is action, war, passion and Saturn is structure, planning, and restriction. In Aquarius we are actively helping our friends and networks. A benefactor may appear that kick starts a major movement. A North Node in Taurus wants you to realize your value, not just financially either. If you are not valued it is time to move on, build something new. Jupiter is now exact in its sextile to the North Node and trine the South. Your path is appearing before you larger than life. Don’t miss this opportunity to shine.
April 5th – Venus moves out of serious Aquarius and into dreamy Pisces where she feels much more like herself again. This is the time for love, poetry, and creativity. Wonderful to escape into art and connect with something more positive. This is a great few weeks for painting with water colors, decorating with water colors if you are not an artist. Emotionally we are feeling everything. Rose colored glasses are very popular whenever Venus is in Pisces, so be warned. If it seems too good to be true it likely is.
April 8th – Jupiter and Neptune combine in the sign of Pisces for the first time in something like 168 years. Both rulers of a sign together is a momentous occasion, especially as they are also in positive aspect with the Nodes. This can be a life changing moment on a grand scale. Pisces is a water sign. This is something that triggers us all to have a major emotional experience. Jupiter expands on the event and makes it bigger than life. The Moon will be in its home sign of Cancer sextile Uranus while these two meet up. It is possible some kind of event involving water could disrupt the day. Jupiter brings blessings. It wants you to learn and grow, expand your views. If you are being negligent with your growth, with your spiritual path, it will expose something so you can no longer pretend not to see it. Every 12 years Jupiter returns to a sign in the Zodiac. So, you can look back to the year 2000 to get an idea of what was showing up for you then, to see what might show up for you now. Mercury is also meeting up with Mars making it impossible to ignore what you hear and see today. A plan with be executed today, but not exactly as you expect with the inconjunct to the South Node with Mercury.
April 9th – there is a brief Grand Water trine between Jupiter, Neptune, the Moon and the South Node. The experiences of your past, the emotional one’s in particular, are coming back to show you a better way forward. This is a major blessing in your life if you are on your path and willing to take action. A trine will bring you success as long as you do your part. The South Node is the lessons you came into this life with. There is a skill you have, or knowledge that is very useful to you now. Listen to the messages you are receiving. Watch closely for the signs, which are likely not small and easy to ignore. This energy will never appear again in your lifetime, this day is important. Be open to receive what is showing up for you. These are all water signs, so this is our intuition, our emotions, our spiritual journey. You may look back one day and realize this day was a major turning point in your life.
April 10th – Mercury will transition from Aries to Taurus where our mind will slow down a bit. We have been fired up all month. Words may have been feeling more like weapons. It has been great for expressing what you are passionate about, but it could also have your mind working overtime and it is ready to rest and relax a bit in the luxurious Taurus energy. You could be taking time out to plan your financial strategy for the year if you aren’t the kind to rest and relax. With the Moon in Leo making a trine to Chiron in Aries there could be some healing going on in your love life.
April 11th – Saturn and the Sun meetup at 22 degrees in a sextile. So, your plan for success is coming to life. But Saturn has been in an extended tsquare with the Nodes so your typical plans won’t go as planned. How you measure success needs to change. The Sun in Aries is independent, but Saturn in Aquarius can mean working with a group to be successful. Something major is changing as the Moon creates a brief Grand cross as it opposes Saturn and squares the Nodes. Emotional breakthroughs are possible now, but they don’t happen easily. The Moon and Sun are speaking in harmony, so whatever decisions made now will feel right. You will know it’s meant to be. There is also a loose YOD forming between the Moon, Pluto and Jupiter and Neptune. Your intuition is the key on this day, do not ignore it. The finger of God is pointing out a major change being needed. It might feel all consuming. Leo is energy of the heart, it wants you to be able to feel joy again. Let it. Do the work this day brings to you.
April 14th – Mars makes a big splash as it shifts out of Aquarius and into the emotional sign of Pisces. Mars does not particularly enjoy Pisces energy, except for the deceptive part. The emotional piece it wants no part of. But you can still tap into it in a positive way and bring your creative energies to life. As for Mars the next 6 weeks will be a bit like a child being told no, and having a temper tantrum. Jupiter and Neptune are there to keep the energy in line, now at 24 degrees. And Venus is there as well at 10. There is a lot of energy stirring up our sensitive side.
April 16th – our Full Moon in Libra at 2:55 pm EDT, happens at 26 degrees which means the Sun is in Aries at the same exact degree. Our need for independence is in a battle with our need for feeling safe and secure in our relationships. This is about learning to not lose yourself in your relationships. Not giving your needs a back row seat while your partners take the front. Saturn is in a sextile to the Sun and trine the Moon. This brings a level of seriousness to our partnerships. This could be a time where the fate of relationships is determined. Will they go to the next level or need to come to an end? Pluto is in a tsquare to the Full Moon further highlighting the need to face our fears, whether they be about being single, or being in a relationship. More on this in the full writeup.
April 17th – the Moon slips into the darkness of Scorpio and immediately opposes Uranus and Mercury who are now conjunct in Taurus. This is a big surprise of some kind. A jolt to your mind and your emotions, and your heart, Venus is at 13 degrees of Pisces. Whatever surprise shows up for you love is the answer Venus says. She is in positive energy to all of these planets as they have this brief confrontation. Mercury and Venus speak in harmony for a couple of days so you may be able to talk your way out of any trouble you find yourself in suddenly.
April 20th – Boom the Sun shoots out of Aries and into Taurus where things will begin to slow down a bit. The sign of Taurus is an earth sign, so you will feel more grounded. It is ruled by Venus and she represents love, beauty, finances, and luxury items. It is a very sensuous sign. And stubborn! The symbol of Taurus after all is the Bull of Wall Street. Stubborn also can mean you are very determined for the next month to achieve your financial goals.
April 23rd – Mercury meets up with the North Node in Taurus which also makes it square to Saturn at 23 degrees of Aquarius. A fated communication could come in, formally or intuitively that sends you down a new path. But you must face something about your past head on first.
April 24th – Mercury takes the direction given by Saturn and now meets up for more inspiration from Neptune. By the next day Jupiter, who has started to make space between it and Neptune will weigh in and provide you with even more guidance on the steps to take. This could be a time of major learning and important communications. With Venus also in positive aspect to the Nodes, money, love and beauty are getting a positive lift up.
April 26th – Mercury is now entering its shadow phase of its upcoming retrograde which will begin in the sign of Gemini. Now is the time to tune in for what this will mean for you personally. The Moon meets up with the stellium of Venus, Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces giving you some emotional clues. This can be a very dreamy feel good kind of day, maybe too dreamy. Don’t over indulge. It is great day for writing songs and poetry with the positive connection to Mercury.
April 28th – after all the conversations Mercury has been having, it is now time to meet up with Pluto and determine how you are going to make this change. Pluto empowers you to speak your mind. To share your ideas with others, especially as they relate to business. And since Pluto has now turned retrograde this is something you have been thinking about for some time and it may be the perfect time to revisit it. Pluto being an outer planet you may not have any noticeable shift as a result of retrograde season starting. Facing your fears is very internal work. Burning things down on the inside don’t always show up immediately on the surface. But they will, just give it time to show you.
April 30th – we end the month with Mercury in its home sign of Gemini as Jupiter and Venus meetup for a blessing in Pisces. All while we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse!! Sheesh April has sure been off the charts energetically. Eclipse energy is meant to remove obstacles from your path. To cause a major course correction in your life. The farther off your path the more extreme the correction. It occurs conjunct to Uranus, so this makes it even more erratic. And sextile to Mars makes it explosive too. With Pluto sextile to the Jupiter, Venus and Neptune blessing this is likely to bring about some sort of Spiritual awakening. Definitely don’t want to miss my New Moon Solar Eclipse write up where we delve into what this means for you. Make sure you are subscribing to my website here to get these articles directly mailed to you.
May Preview – We will have the second half of the eclipse cycle, the Lunar one, on May 16th in the sign of Scorpio. The New Moon will be on May 30th in Gemini. Mercury will go retrograde on the 10th at almost 5 degrees of Gemini, and head back to 26 degrees of Taurus before it’s done at the beginning of June. May will be a month for reviewing our plans, not necessarily launching any.
If you want to book a session with me to uncover the potential these eclipses with have on you this year, I have a special session for just this very topic. Check it out here.