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Writer's pictureMaralee Burnett

A Powerful New Beginning: New Moon in Scorpio

Updated: Sep 30

The upcoming New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st, 2024, presents a potent time for deep transformation and introspection, magnified by a series of intense celestial alignments. As the New Moon forms a harmonious sextile to Saturn retrograde, it invites us to lay down solid foundations for the changes we seek, while a supportive sextile between Jupiter retrograde and Chiron retrograde offers opportunities for healing and wisdom through past lessons. At the same time, the cosmic tension of Mars at 29 degrees in Cancer opposing Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, and the formation of a Grand Water Trine with Mars, Mercury in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces, sets the stage for profound emotional revelations and spiritual awakenings. Lastly this New Moon is inconjunct to the North Node in Aries, new beginning could come about in weird seemingly disconnected ways.

In order to fully prepare you may find it helpful to use the New Moon hypnosis session here, along with the Scorpio hypnosis session here. As always booking a reading to know what your experience will be can be done here.

Whenever the Sun and Moon meet up in a Zodiac sign, we have an opportunity for a fresh start. In the sign of Scorpio, and at 9 degrees, it is a chance to connect to our deepest darkest hidden wants and desires, and bring them to reality. No more playing scared, the number 9 means the end of something. As with each new moon we have a chance to focus our intentions and we write out 10 wishes, and with this being a water sign, using that element in our ceremony. The Moon is at its peak at 5:47 am MST, the closer you set them to that time the better. Adding in the information shared below to those intentions will help as well.

Key Cosmic Alignments: Understanding the Energies

1. New Moon in Scorpio Sextile Saturn Retrograde

  • Themes of Transformation and Responsibility: This New Moon in Scorpio, a sign known for its depth, intensity, and regenerative qualities, aligns with Saturn in retrograde from the sign of Pisces, encouraging us to review our commitments and responsibilities. The sextile aspect brings a supportive energy, suggesting that any groundwork laid now, even if it involves revisiting past obligations or structures, can lead to long-lasting transformation. This is an ideal time to make serious decisions or commitments that require discipline and strong healthy boundaries.

  • Focus on Inner Strength and Resilience: Saturn retrograde in Pisces pushes us to rely on inner strength and wisdom. As this planet of discipline retrogrades, it asks us to revisit the structures in our lives that no longer serve us and rebuild with greater authenticity. In sextile to the New Moon, there is a strong call to align our deepest desires (Scorpio) with practical steps forward (Saturn).

2. Jupiter Retrograde Sextile Chiron Retrograde

  • Opportunities for Healing and Growth: Jupiter, the planet of expansion and higher learning, in retrograde in Gemini, forms a harmonious sextile with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, retrograde in Aries. This aspect facilitates a gentle healing process, where past wounds and traumas (Chiron) are reviewed under the expansive, philosophical light of Jupiter. It's a cosmic call to reflect on our past experiences, extract wisdom, and find new ways to grow. This alignment is particularly beneficial for healing self-confidence issues and embracing personal growth through understanding and forgiveness.

3. Mars at 29 Degrees Opposing Pluto at 29 Degrees of Capricorn

  • Intense Power Struggles and Breakthroughs: Mars at the critical 29th degree of Cancer opposes Pluto, also at 29 degrees of Capricorn, creating a potent and charged dynamic. Mars, representing action, drive, and assertiveness, is in a highly emotional and reactive sign (Cancer) at the last degree, where its energy is most concentrated and urgent. Opposite Pluto, the planet of power, transformation, and the unconscious, this aspect can signify a powerful confrontation or culmination of power struggles. This is a critical point for facing deep-seated fears or shadow aspects within ourselves or in our relationships. This alignment can trigger intense conflicts or power dynamics but also offers a chance for profound transformation and release. In Cancer we see a powerful woman taking a stand against a man, Capricorn who is instilling fear in others. 29 is a critical degree, and a test will be given. To pass you must balance the feminine and masculine. The Maternal with the Paternal. Pluto has only recently ended its retrograde and has just a few weeks left in the sign of Capricorn. This is not a time for going back, but a time for transforming and moving forward.

4. Grand Water Trine: Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces

  1. Flow of Emotional and Intuitive Insight: 

    The Grand Water Trine involving Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces creates a harmonious flow of emotional energy and intuition. This trine allows us to tap into our deepest feelings, express our emotions with clarity and compassion (Mercury in Scorpio), and align our actions with our spiritual and emotional truth (Mars in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces). This is an ideal time to trust our instincts and engage in creative or spiritual pursuits. The energy is fluid and empathetic, enhancing our capacity to connect on an emotional level and intuitively understand the deeper currents within ourselves and others. A Grand Trine means you are giving an opportunity, now you must act. Trust where your intuition is leading you.

New Beginnings for Each Zodiac Sign: Focus Based on the New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio brings a time for setting new intentions and initiating transformative changes. Here's what each zodiac sign should focus on, based on the house that holds this New Moon in Scorpio:

  1. Aries (8th House)

    • Focus on Transformation and Deep Intimacy: Aries should focus on transformative endeavors, particularly in areas related to shared resources, deep psychological work, or intimate relationships. This is a powerful time to address any fears around vulnerability, invest in emotional or financial partnerships, and explore the depths of personal transformation.

  2. Taurus (7th House)

    • Focus on Relationships and Partnerships: For Taurus, the New Moon in Scorpio falls in the house of relationships. This is an ideal time to set intentions around creating deeper, more authentic connections, whether romantic, business, or personal. Reflect on the dynamics of give-and-take in your partnerships and consider ways to foster greater mutual support and understanding.

  3. Gemini (6th House)

    • Focus on Health and Daily Routines: Gemini should direct their focus toward health, wellness, and daily routines. This New Moon is an opportunity to initiate new habits that promote better physical and mental health. Consider restructuring your daily routines to be more efficient and supportive of your overall well-being.

  4. Cancer (5th House)

    • Focus on Creativity and Personal Joy: For Cancer, the New Moon energizes the area of creativity, romance, and self-expression. It's time to embrace your creative passions and seek joy in the simple pleasures of life. Set new goals around artistic endeavors, hobbies, or romantic pursuits that bring you closer to your authentic self.

  5. Leo (4th House)

    • Focus on Home and Family: Leo should focus on matters related to home, family, and inner emotional life. This New Moon invites you to set new intentions around your living environment, family relationships, and emotional security. Consider what changes are needed to create a more nurturing and supportive home life.

  6. Virgo (3rd House)

    • Focus on Communication and Learning: For Virgo, this New Moon highlights communication, learning, and local community involvement. It’s an excellent time to set intentions around developing new communication skills, embarking on learning or educational pursuits, or building stronger connections within your community.

  7. Libra (2nd House)

    • Focus on Finances and Self-Worth: Libra should focus on finances, resources, and personal values. This is a great time to reassess your financial goals, set new intentions around saving or earning, and reflect on what truly brings value and security into your life. Consider how your self-worth is tied to your financial status and what changes you can make to enhance both.

  8. Scorpio (1st House)

    • Focus on Personal Identity and Self-Expression: For Scorpio, this New Moon is all about self-renewal and personal identity. It's a powerful time to set new intentions related to how you present yourself to the world, personal goals, and self-improvement. Consider ways to transform your approach to life, enhance your personal brand, and express your true self more authentically.

  9. Sagittarius (12th House)

    • Focus on Spiritual Growth and Inner Reflection: Sagittarius should direct their focus inward, toward spirituality, rest, and healing. This New Moon is a time for deep reflection, letting go of past wounds, and embracing spiritual practices that promote inner peace. Consider setting intentions around meditation, journaling, or other practices that connect you to your inner world.

  10. Capricorn (11th House)

    • Focus on Community and Future Goals: For Capricorn, this New Moon activates the house of friendships, community, and future aspirations. It's an ideal time to set new goals related to your social networks, community involvement, or long-term dreams. Reflect on how you can better align your social life with your values and aspirations.

  11. Aquarius (10th House)

    • Focus on Career and Public Image: Aquarius should focus on career, public image, and long-term ambitions. This New Moon offers an opportunity to set new intentions around professional development, leadership, and the legacy you wish to leave. Consider what changes you need to make to advance your career and align your professional path with your core values.

  12. Pisces (9th House)

    • Focus on Higher Learning and Exploration: For Pisces, the New Moon illuminates the area of higher learning, travel, and philosophical exploration. It's a great time to set new intentions around expanding your horizons, whether through education, travel, or spiritual exploration. Consider how you can deepen your understanding of the world and embrace new experiences.


This New Moon in Scorpio is a powerful time for deep transformation, emotional healing, and new beginnings. The supportive sextiles to Saturn and between Jupiter and Chiron encourage us to reflect on our past, learn from our experiences, and lay down strong foundations for the future. Meanwhile, the intense aspects involving Mars, Pluto, and the Grand Water Trine invite us to navigate our emotional depths and connect with our intuition. By aligning with these cosmic energies, each zodiac sign can set powerful intentions for growth, healing, and transformation in their respective life areas.

Love and a Guiding Light


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