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November Monthly Horoscope

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

As the month begins we will just be coming off the New Moon Solar eclipse energy that occurred on the 25th of October, in the sign of Scorpio. Mars will have just turned retrograde in the sign of Gemini, where it is sending a full 7 months! This planet is also a secondary ruler of Scorpio, so you may have a lot to think about related to what occurred during the eclipse. In this month ahead we have Pluto, Mercury and Saturn out of retrograde. We also see Saturn still in a square to Uranus, but starting to create space from the planet of upheaval and surprises. Our Full Moon will be part of the Lunar eclipse in Taurus. Big closure ahead and the new moon will occur in the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter rules Sag and it will be turning direct at the same time. A sign of huge momentum forward as a result of this new beginning.

Are you fully prepared for the Full and New Moons that occur each month? If not, maybe it’s time you invested in my Moon Manifesting package. Here you have 40 pages of information about each zodiac sign and what to expect when a Full Moon or New Moon occurs there. You also receive a personalized chart that shows you what you can manifest at the time of each New or Full Moon. For the Month of November, it is only $11.11 and will include the worksheet for 2023! Check it out on my website here! You can of course still book a reading for the upcoming eclipses so you are fully prepared as well!

Now let’s jump into this incredible month of changes ahead.

November 1st – Rabbit Rabbit! We need some good luck to get our month off on the right foot! The month starts with a lot of tension, which is going to push us to make some needed changes. The Moon with Saturn in Aquarius is going to be squaring with Uranus in Taurus. We are intuitively connected to breaking free for the last time from the area of our life that has been somewhat haunting us since 2021. As the Moon speaks with Saturn it is learning something important about the Lunar Eclipse, where it will be square to Saturn and conjunct to Uranus.

November 2nd – Venus is conjunct with the South Node, opposing the North Node, which can encourage us to release something related to Venusian things like lovers, or bring them back from the past. When people or opportunities from the past return it is because we have something to learn. We may need to release our attachment to this person once and for all, or they may have some unresolved karma with us. These next few days will have the answers you seek about whether this love is meant to last. The South Node has been inconjunct to Chiron, the place of our wounds, for what seems like months now. When Venus is also inconjunct Chiron we are seeing where we still have pain attached to the past. Money, love, beauty even our self-worth needs some attention. What in these areas has power over you to make you feel a sense of lack? It’s time to shift that energy forward.

November 3rd – The Moon is in the emotional sign of Pisces and speaks in harmony to Mercury, the Sun, the South Node and Venus, all still in Scorpio together since the eclipse last month. This stellium of Scorpio energy is going to feel pretty intense. We are learning to release what does not serve us so we can do some major healing. You may get some very clear insight about what the eclipse from the 25th has been about, and how to easily let go of what is no longer meant for you. Scorpio energy keeps things hidden and beneath the surface, when planets move through here those things get brought up to the surface to be seen in the light. This is transformation season and that means we have a lot of work to do.

November 5th – the Sun is exactly conjunct the South Node and opposing the North. The Sun represents our inner child, and our ego self. The South Node is the past, the lessons we have already learned and the skills we are good at. Blocks to your success can be released and transformed into gifts that help you gain some type of financial reward. Where this shows up for you and how depends on where you have Scorpio and Taurus energy in your chart. If you are Scorpio rising for example this is happening in your 1st house. Blocks to how you present yourself to the world can be removed. The North Node has been transiting in your 7th house of serious relationships. Removing this block can allow you to meet a serious relationship partner

November 6th – If love or finances have been under a lot of pressure today things may come to a head as Venus is opposing Uranus and squaring to Saturn. This creates a tsquare between the 3, which means a lot of pressure to create some change in this area of your life. Uranus is pushing you to break free of relationships where you are not valued. In Scorpio Venus can feel trapped. You may be feeling this as well in your relationships or your job. Be ready to feel the need to take action in a surprising way. Saturn is pushing Venus to be responsible always. But there may be hidden things about being responsible that have to be dealt with. They could come up in shocking ways. A woman in power, or women's power in general may take center stage through some type of battle with authority figures.

November 8th – we have an intense Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus that is very intense. This happens to be election day in the United States so don’t expect things to go smoothly in the least. The Moon in Taurus at 16 degrees is conjunct to Uranus exactly, while the North Node is at 13 degrees. Fated, emotional endings will be very surprising. The Sun shines a light from Scorpio while Mercury is cazimi and Venus is at 20 degrees. The South Node of course is at 13 degrees. Mind blowing information from the past may come up that throws a lot of things into complete and utter chaos. Since all of these planets are also square to Saturn in Aquarius, there is a clear sign the political turmoil will be over the top. Voting is likely to be restricted for many and cause some sort of uprising. Political leaders across the world may be trying to restrain their citizens and it won’t go so well. This is a time when we need to stay grounded and not get swept up into the emotional chaos. Venus will be speaking in harmony with Neptune, which is retrograde and squaring Mars. You might want to try to hide from the truth, but it isn’t likely to work. But if all the crazy energy is getting to you, the Neptune energy suggests you pour yourself into a creative project like music, writing or painting. We will break this down in more detail as I create the Eclipse articles later this month. Be sure to sign up so you get them in your inbox!

November 9th – Mercury is exactly conjunct the Sun at 17 degrees of Scorpio bringing some pretty amazing aha moments. Of course if you are one that feels a lot of anxiety when the Sun and Mercury meet you will want to practice your grounding techniques, things like meditation, hiking or a good long soak in the bath. Information that was buried, the truth, can come to the surface now. Whatever comes up it is meant to move us forward. This is not the time for denial or staying stuck in the past. The Moon in Taurus speaks in harmony with Jupiter at 29 degrees of Pisces. There could be some major financial win at this time. If you are a light worker or healer you could be feeling a surge of energy that guides you to use your gifts in a new way. Jupiter is going back over this area where it was during the Summer. This is a second look. It will be here until November 23rd at the New Moon in Sagittarius, which it rules. More on that below. There is opportunity to grow your intuition at this time. Each lesson is unique and yours story continues to unfold as Jupiter returns to this place in your chart.

November 10th – Venus and Neptune are exactly trine which is some very dreamy energy. If you fall in love or meet someone new today then the energy of the relationship is going to feel like it is meant to be. This might be the energy you choose to escape to because of the tension that is now exact between the Sun, Mercury and Saturn. Whatever disruption that came up from the Lunar Eclipse it is still lingering. There is still a lot of arguing and egos are bruised in a big way. Don’t get too carried away in the delusional or escapism that is Neptune. That can lead to abusing drugs or alcohol and that won’t help things in the long run.

November 11th – A big thank you to our Veteran’s for their service. Speaking of the military, Mars, ruler of war, is inconjunct to Venus. Lovers may not be connecting well, and could be arguing in a very emotional way. The Moon is also in Gemini conjunct to Mars, this amps up our emotions and can cause us to overreact, especially in our relationships. Secret love affairs could be exposed during this kind of transit. Even secret financial deals. Trust your gut to know what it truth and what is fiction. Mars in Gemini can have some liars going a bit overboard and speaking out of both sides of their mouth.

November 12th – Mercury is making a little space between itself and the Sun and now is exactly trine to Neptune. This is a great day for creative writing and daydreaming. The Moon will be in its home sign of Cancer adding to the emotional intensity of the day. You might feel a little indulgent so be sure to channel that energy into something healthy. Again some may indulge the truth a bit. So tune in and know that if it seems too good to be true it likely is.

November 13th – Venus will be sextile to Pluto giving women a lot of power. This is our sexuality being amped up in a big way. Could be that we see some women in politics being announced the winner of some contentious races. Another indication of this is the Moon in Cancer inconjunct with Saturn in Aquarius, while trine to the Sun in Scorpio. Meaning a woman could come to power in a strange way. Fate is at work here as the Moon is speaking in harmony with the Nodes. Mars and Venus are still meeting up at an odd angle so there could be the beginning of some strange bedfellows now.

November 14th – we have a brief Grand Water Trine between the Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio. This is success as long as you do the work to get there. It will feel like an emotional win. In fact, it’s a great day for random acts of kindness. You will feel really good and want to share that goodness with others. Venus and Jupiter are the benefics of the zodiac and they will speak in harmony for a few days, bringing us blessings for the good deeds we have done in the past. At the same time the Sun now speaks in a trine to Neptune, adding more juicy goodness to the day. This could feel a bit like boiling the ocean but that only happens so we can see what is under the sea.

November 16th – Venus breathes a sigh of relief as she gets out of the darkness of Scorpio and into the fire of Sagittarius. Love takes on a sense of adventure and passion now. Mercury is now exactly trine to Jupiter which blesses your mind and your speaking abilities. You could receive some type of award for the writing you did in the past. The Moon is sextile to Mars in the sign of Gemini which is another message about our communication skills being highlighted. You may be able to make an emotional connection to someone by speaking from the heart.

November 17th – Mercury joins Venus now in the sign of Sagittarius continuing our ability to speak with passion, whether to the public or just to a lover. If you need to stand up and speak to large audiences your words will be well received. These 2 planets will travel together for the rest of the month. This gives a gentleness to our words over an extended period of time. This may be much needed to smooth out some of the chaotic energy from the eclipses.

November 18th – the ego is powered up when the Sun and Pluto are joined in a sextile. This may not be something you notice on the surface, but you feel stronger than you have in quite some time now. Of course, those who have egos that are out of control will use this energy to become even more ridiculous and throw their power around. We have some tension as the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces and both square Mars. This is a fight over boundaries. Mars may represent a verbal or actual physical assault of some kind. good day to be careful no matter what you are doing. Definitely be careful traveling on or around water.

November 19th – for the next few days Mars and Neptune are going to be squaring off with one another, minus the Moon. Both are in retrograde as they meet up for the second time, so this is an argument from the past that is now escalating. This first came up around October 10th so something about that time is being looked at again. Mars wants you to stop deluding yourself. You might need to see something in a big way before you finally admit you were wrong. Of course, you will have one more chance next year when these two shall meet for a final time. It will be around the time of the Spring Equinox so you are going to be ready to break free from this and moved on once and for all. Continued care around water will be important. Could be some late season Hurricanes or Typhoon's too.

November 20th – Jupiter will station in a few days and get ready to move direct. This means the power coming from this planet is even bigger than usual. The Sun will be exactly trine to Jupiter giving us some super powers to achieve our goals. Don’t waste this chance. The Sun is also more intense as it is at the last degrees of Scorpio. It may shine its light in a major way on something hidden that needs to be seen in the light, with the help of Jupiter. Venus and Mercury will also be exact in their conjunction and be joined at the hip for the rest of this month, but Mercury will not take the lead. So, you still have the gift of gab and the ability to speak from the heart. Perhaps it blesses you financially for using your Mercurial skills.

November 22nd – it’s officially Sagittarius season as the Sun moves into the sign. The heaviness that is Scorpio season and eclipse season will begin to lift just a bit, at least for a few days as the Sun is at home in a fire sign like Sagittarius. You may be called to take a long trip or get out on a big adventure. This is a sign that likes to gain knowledge so it’s a good time to sign up for a class. If you want to connect to the energy of Sagittarius via hypnosis you can do so here. Numerology would say this day carries some major energetic messages. 11, 22, and 222. Your angels are guiding you to build something important now. Major projects could be kicked off now and do quite well. As long as they don’t have to move forward too quickly with Mars still in retrograde.

November 23rd – this is going to be a big day. Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius goes direct almost exactly at the time of the New Moon in Sagittarius at 1 degree of the sign. This is a sign of a major new beginning in your life. Something that pushes you to expand and grow in ways you may never have expected you were capable of doing. With Mercury and Venus still conjunct and in a trine to Chiron in Aries it is possible to heal or go into business doing some type of healing work. Jupiter is also sextile to Pluto suggesting some major power shifts are underway. The ability to transform has never been greater. Perhaps you have been on a journey since Jupiter and Pluto first met back in May. Whatever that is, the review period of your choices is over. You can feel confident that this path is the one that is meant to be, and feel empowered to move forward. Maybe you could receive some type of reward for doing the work, such as facing your fears.

November 24th – Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA! May you have lots to be thankful for in the year ahead. Fortunately, Venus and Mercury are still conjunct in Sagittarius, perhaps this can bless those who have to travel for the holiday.

November 25th – Over the next several days Venus and Mercury will be inconjunct with the North Node. This can bring up odd but fated communications especially the long-distance kind. Also, could bring up information about someone, or from someone in a foreign country. There could be a chance for some of the conflict overseas to be healed. Mercury and Venus are both speaking in harmony with Chiron. This is very supportive for those in the healing industry. Love could be sparked by those you meet at healing types of events or facilities. These energies will last a few days.

November 27th – Mars retrograde in Gemini is speaking in harmony with Saturn in Aquarius. Information about politicians could be leveraged at this time. Agreements or contracts with business leaders could be signed. Of course, this is something about the past because of the retrograde. Mars and Saturn last spoke around the end of September. Saturn was still retrograde then. They will meet one final time early next year once Mars is moving forward. This means you may not want to make a permanent decision now. Leave the door open should you change your mind. When they meet next it will be in the water signs of Pisces and Cancer, so the discussion may be very different then. Fated even as they will be in a Grand Water trine with the South Node. I strongly recommend paying close attention to what is coming up now because the action you take could pay off in a big way come March 29th .

November 29th – as the month is coming to a close Mercury and Venus are still moving forward in lock step and today oppose Mars while both are in harmony with Saturn. Mercury and Venus are just running along having fun in Sagittarius, while Mars in Gemini wants them to get serious about something. Love could be a bit childlike and frivolous during this time. But Saturn energy may step in to get things to take a more serious turn. Mars is just annoyed because Venus and her lover are running around with a young lover. But Saturn wants Mars to focus on the work he needs to do and is recommending he avoid the distractions. Could be that Saturn is playing both sides here. They may be completely unaware of the role Saturn is playing. You will want to play close attention to the authority figures in your life at this time. Make sure they aren’t playing you in some way.

December preview – it’s hard to believe that 2022 is already coming to an end. We will move from a 6 year into a 7, which will be more subtle and introspective. The 6-year turned out to be loud and obnoxious in many ways, which can happen when you over indulge in the energy of the 6. The 7 year is one where we could all withdraw and need to do some serious self-assessment. So how will your year end? On December 3rd Neptune will end its retrograde which could help end some confusion. On the 7th we will have the Full Moon in Gemini while Mars is still retrograde. The New Moon will happen in Capricorn on the 23rd, right as Chiron ends its retrograde in Aries. This is also right before Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th. This is almost the exact spot that Venus went retrograde last year. Some of those lessons could be activated for you at that time. Uranus, Mars and Mercury will end their retrogrades in January. Expect things to begin to move forward in February and the March equinox to be a major leap forward. Of course, all of that will be covered in the upcoming articles.

If you want to start planning ahead for 2023 then book a session with me here.

Love and Light!

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